Documentation for contracts can be found in /docs directory. To generate documentation use "yarn docgen" command.
The letest version is published here:
Project scripts are defined in pachage.json file. To execute the script run the following command: yarn command, for example 'yarn migrate'. Here is the list of available scripts:
- "deploy" - run migrations, development network
- "deploy:ropsten" - run migrations, ropsten network
- "deploy:kovan" - run migrations, kowan network
- "deploy:rskTestnet" - run migrations, rsk testnet network "deploy-governance" - run migrations of governance contracts, development network "deploy-governance:ropsten" - run migrations of governance contracts, ropsten network "deploy-governance:kovan" - run migrations of governance contracts, kovan network "deploy-governance:rskTestnet" - run migrations of governance contracts, rskTestnet network "deploy-mynt-token" - deploy MyntToken, development network "deploy-fish-token" - deploy FishToken, development network
- "lint" - run linter
- "lint-ts" - run typescript linter
- "lint-sol" - run solidity linter
- "coverage" - check unit test coverage
- "script" - run custom script development network
- "script:rskTestnet" - run custom script, rsk testnet
- "script:rsk" - run custom script, rsk testnet
- "test" - run all tests
- "test-file" - run just one test file
- "test:fork" run tests on fork network
- "compile" - install project dependencies and compile
- "prettify" - run prettifyier on source files
- "flatten" - run flattener on source files
- "prepublishOnly" - compile
- "docgen" - generate documentation from solidity Natspecs
- Run contracts migrations:
yarn migrate-governance
(this script will queue the transferAdmin call) - To set the proper admin you need to execute the "transferAdmin" task after sufficient time delay.
yarn hardhat transferAdmin
- Integrate governance system by changing owner of selected contracts by executing
yarn hardhat run scripts/governanceIntegration.ts
- substract fee from calculated mAsset mint amount
- fees does not impact the amount of bAssets, all of them are transfered to pool
- transfer calculated amount before all conversions
- substract from massets to burn and bassets to transfer