Fox Hunt transmitter controller with DTMF remote commands
Bruce Ratoff, [email protected]
- Designed to run on a small ATtiny85 board such as Digispark or similer.
- Requires tinyDTMF library (
Complete documentation can be found in the source code.
DTMF command set:
- 0 - disable transmission of Fox messages (just listen for further commands)
Fox responds with "QRT"
- 1 - enable Fox transmissions. Current message (Lost or Found) will be sent immediately.
- 4 - put fox in "found" state - sends back "F" - overrides the switch
- 5 - status - sends back "L" for lost or "F" for found
- 6 - put fox in "lost" state and enable transmission (like 7 followed by 1)
- 7 - put fox in "lost" state - sends back "L" - overrides the switch
- 9 - Send Fox Lost/Found message right now if transmission is enabled
- A - Read Vcc - sends back "BV xx" - xx is tenths of a volt
- B - blink LED continuously when not transmitting
- D - toggles Tx LED on and off with PTT - sends back "ON" or "OF"
- Any other key will be echoed back in morse, followed by '?'
- NOTE: 0 and 1 only affect the "lost" and "found" messages. The command responses are always enabled.