A tool to verify file integrity. Verify if some aspect of a file or directory has changed relative to a recorded base situation.
tripline add (FILE|DIR)+
$ tripline add -fileset ssh ~/.ssh
Add options
- -fileset NAME.
- The fileset to add the information to.
- The fileset will be created automatically if it does not exist.
- Default value: "default".
- -recursive BOOL.
- Indicate if directories should be added recursively.
- Default: true.
- -skip BOOL, -overwrite BOOL.
- You have to indicate explicitly what should happen if file information is already in the database. There is no default value.
- -dirchecks CHECKLIST, -filechecks CHECKLIST.
- The checks you want to perform on the added files and directories.
- File default: size,modtime,ownership,permissions,sha256
- Dir default: child,modtime,ownership,permissions
tripline delete (FILE|DIR)+
tripline delete -fileset ssh ~/./ssh/id.pub
Delete options
- -fileset NAME.
- The fileset from which to delete the files and directories.
- The command always works recursively.
tripline verify (FILE|DIR)*
$ tripline verify -fileset ssh
Verify options
- -fileset NAME.
- The fileset to use for the verification.
- Default: "default".
- Explicit file and directory arguments are optional. If no files or directories are provided the complete fileset will be verified.
List the contents of a fileset
- List options
- -fileset NAME.
tripline list
Delete a fileset
- Delete options
- -fileset NAME.
tripline deleteset
Copy a fileset. Can be handy before making modifications.
- Copyset options
- --fileset NAME.
tripline copyset TO
tripline copyset -fileset ssh ssh-backup
List the available datasets
- Listsets options
- -fileset NAME.
tripline listsets
Protect against database tampering with signatures. It is a manual process, the signatures are not automatically verified by the other operations.
tripline sign
tripline verifysig
$ tripline sign -fileset ssh mysecretpassword
$ tripline verifysig -fileset ssh mysecretpassword
- -fileset NAME
- -overwrite BOOL
- Add multi threading to parallelize verification.
- The result could become somewhat scrambled but we could group the results based on the path.
- Add options to configure processing symbolic links. Sometimes you might want to handle the symlinks as files.
- Port to other platforms mswin, osx, ...
- Add unit tests