Repository for the course "Introduction to Artificial Intelligence" at IMT Atlantique. It contains the slides of all courses.
Lab sessions are on this page
The communication for the course happens on Discord!
Short version: Exploration of different AI approaches to your task (different according to your modality).
Long version: this course is mostly based on the final project, and you have a lot of freedom, which we expect you to use. The overarching goal is to explore different strategies of AI, motivate them, and conclude about their performance.
We encourage students to get creative and test combinations of the various ideas that we present. We will value the quality of the explanation, not the quantitative performance!
There are short written evaluations during the first 10 minutes of each session starting from session 2. Don't be late!
You will present short presentations (7 minutes of presentation + 3 minutes of questions) on sessions 2, 3 and 4.
For the final session, we ask you to prepare a 15 minutes presentation, that will be followed by 5 minutes of question.
- Explain your motivations. We will judge whether you understood the goal, and whether the proposed implementation follows a rigourous approach.
- The clarity of your exposition and quality of your support (slides)
Importantly : We will NOT judge you based on your scores!