This is my development box for working with BlueZ. Base image is Ubuntu 15.04 LTS. BlueZ 5.x requires systemd to support all of its tools. Ubuntu 15.04 was the first Ubuntu release to support BlueZ 5.x out of the box.
To follow with the BlueZ 5.x introduction series you will need a bluetooth dongle that can support Bluetooth 4.0. I am using these. If you do use the same dongle as I am everything should already be configured for you.
If you are not using the same Bluetooth 4.0 dongle as I am you will need to
know your dongle's product and vendor IDs are. To figure out what your product
and vendor IDs are use lsusb
in Linux, or check usb in System Information on
a Mac (I don't know how to find that info on Windows).
Once you've found your product and vendor IDs, you'll need to export them as
environment variables (replace XXXX
with your ID in hex).
To get started, do the the following. The vagrant reload
command is required
to load a new kernel.
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant provision
$ vagrant reload
$ vagrant ssh
There should be a bluez
directory in your home.