Suporta pagamentos, pre-aprovação, reembolso e conversão de moedas.
.Rails 3.0 .Json .Builder .ActiveMerchant 1.9.x
git clone
cd paypal_adaptive_gateway
rails <Path to active merchant library> ex: "C:\Ruby187\lib\ruby\gems\1.8\gems\activemerchant-1.9.1"
no application_controller.rb
def gateway
@gateway ||=
:login => 'seu_email',
:password => 'sua_senha',
:signature => ' sua_signature',
:appid => 'seu_appID'
No processo de pagamento:
#for chained payments
def checkout
recipients = [{:email => 'email_recebedor',
:amount => some_amount,
:primary => true},
{:email => 'email_recebedor',
:amount => recipient_amount,
:primary => false}
response =
:return_url => url_for(:action => 'action', :only_path => false),
:cancel_url => url_for(:action => 'action', :only_path => false),
:notify_url => url_for(:action => 'notify_action', :only_path => false),
:receiver_list => recipients
redirect_to response.redirect_url_for
set the :primary flag to false for each recipient for a split payment
No processo de reembolso: recipients = [{:email => params[:receiveremail_0], :amount => params[:amount_0]} ]
response = gateway.refund(
:return_url => "returnURL",
:cancel_url => "cancelURL",
:receiver_list => recipients
No processo de aprovação prévia: response = gateway.preapprove_payment( :return_url => "returnURL", :cancel_url => "cancelURL", :senderEmail =>"email address of sender", :start_date =>"starting date", :end_date =>"ending date", :currency_code =>"currency code", :max_amount =>"maxTotalAmountOfAllPayments", :maxNumberOfPayments =>"maxNumberOfPayments" )
No processo de cancelamento de aprovação prévia: response = gateway.cancel_preapproval( :preapproval_key =>"preapprovalkey" )
para debugar
utilize tanto o gateway.debug quanto o response.debug, isso lhe dará a resposta JSON, o XML enviado e a URL que foi postado.