A free, open source sports betting pool in Ruby on Rails (version 3.2 and up).
Example events include:
- UEFA Champions League 2012
- UEFA Europa League 2012
- Österreichische Bundesliga 2012
- ÖFB Cup 2012
- UEFA European Football Championship aka Euro 2012
- National Hockey League (NHL) 2012 (in progress)
Try the demo install running on Heroku wettpool.herokuapp.com.
Use the login credentials demo/demo.
Clone the Wettpool git repo
git clone ???
Create app on Heroku e.g.
heroku create <your_app_name_here> --cedar ???
Upload via
git push heroku
Create DB on first upload via
heroku run rake db:migrate db:seed
or all-in-one alternative
heroku run rake db:setup
That's it.
The wettpool scripts and templates are dedicated to the public domain. Use it as you please with no restrictions whatsoever.