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Cmpe451 Week 4 Lab Report

karatashsyn edited this page Oct 15, 2024 · 10 revisions

Description of the Lab

The main goal of this lab was to prepare for the presentation next week. We were also expected to start writing our design documents and have a class diagram, a use case diagram, and sequence diagrams ready.

Tasks done during the lab

  • Our first task was to create the use case diagram for our project. This diagram displays what different types of users can do, and what features posts, comments, etc. have.

  • Our second task was to create sequence diagrams for our project. This diagram illustrates the sequence of messages between objects in an interaction.

  • Our third task was to create class diagrams for our project. This diagram models the objects that make up the project, shows the relation between them, describes what they do and the services they provide.

  • Additionally, we talked about how we will do the presentation, who the best candidate to present is, what the context of the presentation will be, and so on.

  • We had a brief talk with our TA about our search algorithm and decided to implement semantic search thoroughly. We will decide on our semantic search strategy more in detail as we progress.

Personal Contributions

Member Contributions Related Links
Nazlıcan Aka Class Diagram with Mesut Melih Akpınar. Modification in requirements. Planing with my teammates for presentation. class diagram, Requirement modification, planing
Mesut Melih Akpınar
Yasin Atlı
Yusuf Kağan Çiçekdağ
Ömer Faruk Erzurumluoğlu
Onur Kafkas My main task was writing the lab report. In doing so I kept track of what my teammates did and explained the tasks they completed in the report. I also talked with our TA about semantic search. Finally, I participated in the discussion about the details of our upcoming presentation. Lab Report, Semantic Search, Presentation Discussion
Hüseyin Karataş Me, Gulsen and Yusuf Kağan have created the majority of the sequence diagram. We also discussed with the assistant the strategy of determining the semantics in the projects. I have created an issue on that to make final decision with the other members. Issue relating Semantics of Project, Sequence Diagrams
Gülşen Sabak We need to create some diagrams. Me, Hüseyin and Yusuf Kağan took the sequence diagram. We have created nearly all of the sequence diagrams in the lab. We have also show it to our TA Kutay hoca. In addition, I talked with Kutay hoca about semantic and lexical search, how we can implement these search types to our project and what kind of design we can use in the search part. Lastly, we have talked about the details of the upcoming milestone and customer representation. Also, as a mobile team we have decided which functionalities we are going to implement. Sequence Diagrams, Semantic Search, Presentation Discussion
Oğuzhan Tuncer

Date: 15.10.2024

Written by: Onur Kafkas, 2020400129

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