Listing of valid mods per Synthriderz version, for Noodle Manager X mod download support.
- Update mods.json
- If a new mod, add a folder under Downloads named after the mod's id/name
- Create a new zip folder named "{modid}_{version}.synthmod" containing:
- A LocalItem.json with the following format (replace modId):
{ "hash": "modId" }
- All necessary mod files that aren't found in linked dependencies, in a file structure relative to the base SynthRiders directory (see existing .synthmod files for examples)
- Push to separate branch and verify download in Noodle Manager X (update apiEndpoint in ModHandler)
- Create PR against main/master branch
- Mod must be verified to be safe to install by at least one other person (preferably more)
- Not malware
- Not cheats/hacks
- Not breaking main game functionality