NEMO is a toolbox for stellar dynamics, particle simulations, stellar orbits, image processing and tabular data manipulation. See also
This is the 4th major release of NEMO, and although data are compatible with earlier releases, source code may need to be tweaked a bit to compile and link in the newer releases. Some compatibility with ZENO is also advertised.
- NEMO V1: IAS release (Barnes, Hut & Teuben, 1987)
- NEMO V2: UMD release (Teuben, 1994)
- NEMO V3: UMD release (Teuben, 2001) in CVS, with autoconf support and hooks into modules starlab and partiview
- NEMO V4: UMD/ESO release (2017) now maintained in github
A related package, ZENO, was spun off NEMO V1, and is maintained by Barnes.
NEMO: ascl:1010.051
ZENO: ascl:1102.027 (see also $NEMO/usr/zeno)
Packages we optionally use:
PGPLOT: ascl:1103.002 (can be included with NEMO)
CFITSIO: ascl:1010.001
WCSLIB: ascl:1108.003
HDF: ascl:1502.009
glnemo2: ascl:1110.008
gyrfalcON: ascl:1402.031 (included with NEMO)
See README.install for installation guidelines. In it's simplest the following commands may work (replace .csh with .sh if appropriate)
chmod +x install_nemo
./install_nemo nemo=$HOME/opt/nemo
source $HOME/opt/nemo/nemo_start.csh
Some obvious and perhaps not so obvious tools you will need to have pre-installed: C/C++/Fortran compiler, csh, git, cmake. Use your local package manager to install those before you attempt to run the install_nemo script. For example, on a fresh Ubuntu distro, you're likely going to need to install two packages before running the install script, and triggering a few more using the ubuntu=1 flag, viz.
sudo apt install tcsh git
./install_nemo ubuntu=1
And you don't have wget (e.g. MacOSX) use curl or any other program (even any browser works) to get that script. E.g. on a Mac where you have installed Homebrew with pgplot, this should get you a working NEMO with plotting enabled:
curl -O
chmod +x install_nemo
./install_nemo brew=1
source nemo/