Pre-styled SVG sliders created using version 4 of Mike Bostock's d3 library. Each slider needs a div to act as a placeholde to be called into. An SVG element is appended to the div and contains all the slider geometry.
You will need the d3 library installed
Download the repository. Move the sliders.js and styles.css into your project folder. To link the slider function and styles to your project insert the following code into your index.html header.
<script src="./slider.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./sliders.css">
This is not yet available
Horizontal slders are appended within an SVG element. All the gemoetry is held within a 'g' element that is translated to x=zero+margin.left, y=zero plus the top margin. The default SVG height is set to 55px and is set at 20px, enough room for the handle and a scale underneath. When adding labels (Slider 4) you should adjust the height and There is also a default margin.right parameter of 20px.
Vertical sliders are appended at x=width/2+left.margin. This makes them easier to control when they are made responsive. They also need a larger top.margin when a label is added (slider4). This example is with a div that is 400px wide, margin,top(40) and margin.bottom(20)
Wworking examples here. Includes how to make function calls and examples of working responsive sliders
const slider1 = sliderFactory();
let slideholder1 ='#holder1').call(slider1);
const slider2 = sliderFactory();
let slideholder2 ='#holder2').call(slider2.ticks(30).scale(true).range([0,30]) );
let slideholder3 ='#holder3').call(slider3.ticks(1).scale(true).range([0,4]).step(0.1));
let slideholder4 ='#holder4').call(slider4.height(70).margin({top: 35, right: 15, bottom: 15, left: 15 }).value(30).ticks(10).scale(true).range([0,80]).step(1).label(true));
let slideholder5 ='#holder5').call(slider5.width(80).margin({top: 40, right: 15, bottom: 35, left: 15 }).height(300).scale(true).ticks(20).label(true).value(80).range([0,80]).orient("vertical").dragHandler(function(d) {test(d);}));
- Bob Haslett - Initial work
- Mike Bostock's Drag slider
- Inspiration- D3 js slider
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details