📝 My Blog - Link
Posts written in Notion and then pulled from database api and rendered with react-notion-x. Source notion database is here.
Recent posts are also shown in my github bio, and on my website.
- Ensure that videos autoplay on blog posts.
- Fix responsive video + image sizes based on notion width.
- Add post color reflective keyword tags to index, pages, and search.
- Adds a 404 page
- Before 404ing a route that didn't exist during the last build, vercel will check that notion doesn't now have the page.
- Improve code block styles
- Add rotating emojis to the title bar
- Add home button
- NextImage preview blurs for lazy loading image assets
- Remove "re-render all pages every 1 second" in favor of auto-rebuilding
elsewhere when notion posts change.
- Fixes link clicks taking several seconds to reach out to notion to load
- Move to npm
- Add prettier + eslint config
- Remove preact usage (broken in some places)
- Remove google analytics
- Remove broken rss feed
- When running locally, draft pages and posts will be shown.
- Rebuilt with an action in bmitchinson/bmitchinson triggering a build depending on recent page edits.