What we are building: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X558K8dC4OCcrbjK2ZMK0sjOSu6SLg6Awk9C9yaMXHI/edit
Figma designs to replicate: https://www.figma.com/file/CPfZkeob1dtxStjSuUUXDs/HyperscalePaid
React - we're using React because it's so well known and supported.
Next.js - for server-side rendering and the SEO benefits that come with this.
Typescript - Applying types to our JavaScript, to avoid errors as we scale and for quicker debugging.
MongoDB - to read and write JSON data to the DB in native JavaScript, and scale effortlessly.
Docker - for ease and consistent local dev environments.
First, fork this repo. Then, clone your forked repo:
$ git clone https://github.com/<myGHProfile>/race.git .
(To keep your fork up to date with main, 'Fetch upstream' in your forked GitHub repo and $ git pull
from local.
Next start dev environment. We're using Docker as standard (download here https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/) and then...
$ docker-compose up -d --build
Verify that mongo and web services are running with $ docker-compose ps
Name Command State Ports
mongo docker-entrypoint.sh mongod Up (healthy)>27017/tcp,:::27017->27017/tcp
race_direct_mongo_seed_1 docker-entrypoint.sh /mong ... Exit 0
web docker-entrypoint.sh sh -c ... Up>3000/tcp,:::3000->3000/tcp
You might need to wait a minute while web
installs its dependencies.
Access web
logs with docker-compose logs web
should be in Exit 0
as it is used for populating mongodb. More in Test data
section below.
MongoDB is already pre-populated with test data.
You can now open http://localhost:3000 in your browser to see the result.
You can start editing the page by modifying
. The page auto-updates as you edit the file. -
API routes can be accessed on http://localhost:3000/api/hello. This endpoint can be edited in
. -
directory is mapped to/api/*
. Files in this directory are treated as API routes instead of React pages.
The test data is already there but if you want to update it or test some missing case just modify json files in mongo/seed and run:
docker-compose up mongo_seed
Note: Please do not add users' private data.
Set up:
- Create a custom Discord application
- Add the redirect URI
to the Discord application (under the OAuth section) - Replace XXXX with actually values from Discord application in .env.docker and rebuild the services with
docker-compose -d up --build
is the server id that user needs to be member of for successful login. To get Discord_guild_id Right Click on any Server you are member of and copy ID Paste that ID in your .env.docker.example
Don't forget to check your code before creating a Pull Request:
docker-compose exec web yarn lint
That lints scripts, styles and checks formatting..
Prettier is being used for automatically formatting the code. To apply prettier, you can run:
docker-compose exec web yarn format
Unit tests, ran by jest, can be executed by:
docker-compose exec web yarn test # or test:watch for running tests in watch-mode
We manage the project on Trello. Request access on our Discord server: https://discord.com/invite/pVSbzYny2c
Bugs should be reported in the #bugs channel on our Discord server: https://discord.com/invite/pVSbzYny2c
PRs are welcome and encouraged! Make an issue first, and create a PR to assign it to yourself. Mark it for review when ready and we'll check to merge it.
Contribution process borrows from Collective Code Construction Contract (C4). Most important points:
- Change on the project shall be governed by the pattern of accurately identifying problems and applying minimal, accurate solutions to these problems.
- The user or contributor should seek consensus on the accuracy of their observation, and the value of solving the problem.
- To work on an issue, a contributor shall fork the project repository and then work on their forked repository.
- To submit a patch, a contributor shall create a pull request (PR) back to the project.
- A contributor shall not commit changes directly to the project.
- To discuss a patch, people may comment on the pull request.
- Maintainers should not merge their own patches except in exceptional cases, such as non-responsiveness from other maintainers for an extended period (more than 1-2 days).
- Maintainers shall not make value judgments on correct patches.
- Maintainers shall merge correct patches from other contributors rapidly.
- Maintainers should ask for improvements to incorrect patches and should reject incorrect patches if the contributor does not respond constructively.
- Any contributor who has value judgments on a correct patch should express these via their own patches.