A Dotenv extension to use multiple environment config files.
Environment overloading can be useful when dealing with local environment variables (such as APP_KEY) or when dealing with secrets that should not be committed to your repository.
composer require bmaximilian/laravel-env-overloader
Paste the following code in your bootstrap/app.php
$env = $app->detectEnvironment(function() {
If you are on Laravel < 5.4: Add the following provider to your $providers
in config/app.php
For newer Laravel versions, this service provider should be auto-discovered.
Create .env Files in the root directory of your Laravel application.
The .env.base
File can be created for configuration that should be the same for all environments (e.g. feature flags).
The .env.${APP_ENV}
File is loaded for all specific configurations for the currently deployed environment.
You can also pass an array of file names to the EnvironmentOverloader::overload()
as first argument for more custom environment files.
The standard .env
File is loaded as master which overrides other files.