Rectify is a simple but powerful structure for JavaScript applications. Using Rectify, you set up a simple configuration and tell Rectify which plugins you want to load. Each plugin registers itself with Rectify, so other plugins can use its functions. Plugins can be maintained as NPM packages so they can be dropped in to other Rectify apps.
Fork of
is no longer maintained, this version services to be leaner version and to be used for es6 envirtonments
import * as pluginA from "./plugin_a/plugin.js";
import * as pluginB from "./plugin_b/plugin.js";
import rectify from "../index.js";
var config = [pluginA,pluginB];
var app =;
export const consumes = ["hello"];
export const provides = [];
export default function setup( imports, register) {
var { hello } = imports;
export const consumes = [];
export const provides = ["hello"];
export default function setup(imports, register) {
register(null, {
console.log("Hello World")
The exports
section in each plugin's main.js. This is where provides
and consumes
properties are usually set.
The Rectify module exposes one functions as it's main API.
This function starts an Rectify config. The return value is an Rectify
instance. The optional callback will listen for both "error" and "ready" on the app object and report on which one happens first.
Inherits from EventEmitter
The start
function returns an instance of Rectify
When a new service is registered, this event is emitted on the app. Name is the short name for the service, and service is the actual object with functions.
When a plugin registers, this event is emitted.
When all plugins are done, the "ready" event is emitted. The value is the Rectify instance itself.
Rectify provides a hub plugin, this hub provides hooks into build events
setup.consumes = ["hub"];
setup.provides = [];
export default function setup(imports, register) {
const { hub } = imports;
hub.on("ready", (app) => { });
hub.on("service", (service) => { });
hub.on("plugin", (plugin) => { });
hub.on("error", (error) => { });
register(null, {});