Templates for Docker Containers to use with Unraid.
These templates help add containers to Unraid in a more GUI-friendly way, making updates easier in the future. The Docker containers referenced in this repository point to containers maintained by other individuals.
HFS ~ HTTP File Server by Rejetto
Access your files directly from your disk via the web. You become the server! Share files directly from your disk, with unlimited space and bandwidth.
- Fast! Try zipping 100GB; downloads start immediately!
- Virtual File System: Share even a single file, with a different name if needed, without altering the real file.
- Customizable: Present things the way you want!
- Real-time Monitoring: Watch all activities in real-time.
- Bandwidth Control: Decide how much bandwidth to allocate.
- Direct Sharing: Share large files with friends without uploading them to a server.
- Intelligent Problem Detection: HFS tries to detect problems and suggest solutions.
- Expandable: Find the right plugin, or create your own.
Application Name: HFS
Application Site: https://www.rejetto.com/hfs/
Application Repository: https://github.com/rejetto/hfs
Images Repository: https://github.com/damienzonly/hfs-docker and https://github.com/bmartino1/hfs-docker
Docker Repository: https://hub.docker.com/r/rejetto/hfs
Additional Support: https://github.com/rejetto/hfs/discussions
Unraid Support Forum: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/180463-support-rejetto-hfs-3/
ClamAV using Clamd
Scan and access your files directly from your disk. Use Clamdscan over Clamscan to enable multi-core support.
This reduced a 48-hour scan of 6 TB or more to a 6-hour scan.
Application Name: ClamAV
Application Site: https://www.clamav.net/
Application Repository: https://github.com/Cisco-Talos/clamav
Images Repository: https://github.com/bmartino1/clamav-alpine
Docker Repository: https://hub.docker.com/r/bmmbmm01/clamav-alpine
Additional Support Documentation: https://docs.clamav.net/
Unraid Support Forum: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/80868-support-clamav/
Avahi a ZeroConfig Mdns Server
Docker image for the Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD daemon. Built on Debian Linux to make the image as feautre rich.
- Simple Default View the config via the log and make the config via docker settings.
- one log location easily see error and mdns status in the docker log.
- Diagtool builtin open console run mdns-scan to check configuration and see whats available via mdns.
Application Name: Avahi
Application Site: https://avahi.org/
Linux ManPages: https://linux.die.net/man/5/avahi-daemon.conf
Images Repository: https://github.com/bmartino1/avahi
Docker Repository: https://hub.docker.com/r/bmmbmm01/avahi
Unraid Support Forum: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/183175-support-bmartino1-avahi/
Work in progress! If another one comes up...