Zabbix in a container based on openSUSE distribution.
Installation by default will use postgresql as database, so please provide database parameters for postgresql
I prefer openSUSE as OS so that is "Why" and of course postgresql
docker pull bmanojlovic/zabbix-i-c
docker run -d \
--restart=always \
--name zabbix-i-c \
-p 2080:80 \
-p 20443:443 \
-p 10050:10050 \
-p 10051:10051 \
-e ZABBIX_DB_HOST=localhost \
-e ZABBIX_DB_USER=zabbix \
-e ZABBIX_DB_NAME=zabbix \
-e ZABBIX_DB_PASS=jibberish_goes_here \
For purpose of easier access to configuration and to be able to backup them easier two volumes are created on docker run
To get location of them you can use this trick which should output something like bellow
docker inspect --format='{{range .Mounts}}{{.Destination}}={{.Source}}{{print "\n"}}{{end}}' zabbix-i-c
docker exec -ti zabbix-i-c egrep -rv '(^#|^$)' /etc/zabbix/zabbix-server.conf
docker exec -ti zabbix-i-c cat /usr/share/zabbix/conf/zabbix.conf.php
docker logs zabbix-i-c
repository owner? :)
please use issue reporting and i will answer