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"kimi_callbacks" is a LUA script that allows you to create custom server and client callbacks in an easy manner. This script does nothing by itself and needs to be used via exports from other resources.
I decided to create this script as a base for my other scripts and I felt like the others out there didn't really exactly suit my needs.
Checkout the AdvancedParking and Advanced Vehicle Interaction Script that both use this feature to get values from the server.
- Clients can request data from the server.
- Server can request data from a client.
- Includes configurable timeouts for requests that take too long.
- Any amount of values can be returned / send.
- Uses exports for all functions.
- Examples explaining all you need to know.
- Includes the full source code.
- Compatible with everything.
- This script does not really use any performance, unless a lot of request are running in parallel.
- Idle: both client and server: 0.00ms
- 100 parallel server callbacks (for the splitsecond they are active at the same time and chances are pretty much 0 to get even 5 at the same time):
- client side: ~0.30ms
- server side: ~0.00-0.01ms
- Download the script from Github.
- Extract the folder into your resources folder.
- Make sure the folder name of the script is
- Go into your server.cfg and put the line
ensure kimi_callbacks
as high up as possible.