An implementation of the Acme Air sample application for NodeJS. This implementation is a monolithic mode & supports Mongo DB (both standalone & Compose Mongo DB). The application can be deployed both on-prem as well as on Cloud platforms.
Setup DB
- First, create a Compost account, then create a Mongo DB Deployment (It is a paid service with 30 days free trial)
- Create a database with the name "acmeair"
- get these information:
- "hostname
- "port"
- "db"
- "username"
- "password"
- ibmcloud cf push acme-node-myname -m 512M
Add these environment variables and restage
(Alternative) Create user provided DB Service
Create a string using Compose database information:
- "url": "mongodb://username:password@hostname:port/db"
- e.g. mongodb://acmeuser:[email protected]:27017/acmeair
Use CF command to create DB:
- cf cups mongodbCompose -p "url"
- At the URL prompt, enter above URL that was created:
- url>mongodb://acmeuser:[email protected]:27017/acmeair
On IBM Cloud Dasboard, bind the created mongodbCompose service to Acmeair
- restage/restart Acmeair application
- docker build -f ./Dockerfile_KS -t .
- docker push
- Modify acmeair-monolithic-nodejs.yaml to add as the image name
- Modify acmeair-monolithic-nodejs.yaml to add DB connection information (Note: If there is no user setup for this DB, REMOVE MONGO_USER & MONGO_PASSWORD entries)
- kubectl create -f ./acmeair-monolithic-node.s.yaml
- Go to the home page http://hostname:port
- At the bottom of the page, click the link : Configure the Acme Air Environment > Click Load the database
- Follow the instruction here