Export Laravel Horizon metrics using this Prometheus exporter. This package leverages Exporter Contracts.
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You can install the package via composer:
composer require renoki-co/horizon-exporter
Publish the config:
$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="RenokiCo\HorizonExporter\HorizonExporterServiceProvider" --tag="config"
$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="RenokiCo\LaravelExporter\LaravelExporterServiceProvider" --tag="config"
This package is pretty straightforward. Upon installing it, it will register the route at /exporter/group/horizon-metrics
and you can point Prometheus towards it for scraping.
Please keep in mind that the metrics are not calculated by-process, but as a whole across all supervisors. Point your Prometheus scraper to one of the instances for horizontally-scaled environments.
# HELP laravel_horizon_master_status That status of the Master Horizon process. 0 = inactive, 1 = paused, 2 = running.
# TYPE laravel_horizon_master_status gauge
laravel_horizon_master_status{name="master-1",pid="10082"} 2
# HELP laravel_horizon_queue_runtime Get total jobs runtime by queue.
# TYPE laravel_horizon_queue_runtime gauge
laravel_horizon_queue_runtime{queue="default"} 41.085
# HELP laravel_horizon_queue_throughput Get total jobs throughput by queue.
# TYPE laravel_horizon_queue_throughput gauge
laravel_horizon_queue_throughput{queue="default"} 4
# HELP laravel_horizon_job_runtime Get total workload runtime by job name.
# TYPE laravel_horizon_job_runtime gauge
laravel_horizon_job_runtime{job="RenokiCo\\HorizonExporter\\Test\\Jobs\\BasicJob"} 53.666666666667
laravel_horizon_job_runtime{job="RenokiCo\\HorizonExporter\\Test\\Jobs\\BasicJob2"} 3.34
# HELP laravel_horizon_job_throughput Get total workload throughput by job name.
# TYPE laravel_horizon_job_throughput gauge
laravel_horizon_job_throughput{job="RenokiCo\\HorizonExporter\\Test\\Jobs\\BasicJob"} 3
laravel_horizon_job_throughput{job="RenokiCo\\HorizonExporter\\Test\\Jobs\\BasicJob2"} 1
# HELP laravel_horizon_jobs_by_type Get total processed jobs into all queues by specific type (i.e. completed, pending, etc.).
# TYPE laravel_horizon_jobs_by_type gauge
laravel_horizon_jobs_by_type{type="completed"} 4
laravel_horizon_jobs_by_type{type="failed"} 1
laravel_horizon_jobs_by_type{type="pending"} 1
laravel_horizon_jobs_by_type{type="recent"} 6
laravel_horizon_jobs_by_type{type="recent_failed"} 1
# HELP php_info Information about the PHP environment.
# TYPE php_info gauge
php_info{version="8.0.10"} 1
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.