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A ridiculously awesome LRSC to MQTT bridge written in GO.


This repository is no longer maintained. We are releasing this code in the hope that it will be useful to the community. The code was developed against an older version of LRSC that used a basic socket for communication. Since we developed it, the LRSC interface has changed to use websockets, so the code will need updating to work against the newer version.

What the bridge does

This bridge integrates the Long-Range Signaling and Control (LRSC) platform into Bluemix. Based on the LoRa technology, LRSC allows very low power devices to communicate wirelessly over a range of several miles.

Sensors connect to a physical gateway device, which bridges between the LoRa wireless technology and standard IP networking. The gateway then connects to a centralised LRSC server, which manages the network. The server connects to our bridge, which then passes messages to the IBM Internet of Things Foundation (IoTF) service on Bluemix.

lrsc overview diagram

The Bluemix Garage blog has lots more information.

Deploying to Bluemix

You will need the to have the latest stable cf cli installed on your host and available in your terminal. See Bluemix documentation for more details.

You will need to create an Internet of Things service called iotf in the Bluemix org and space that you will be deploying this application to. The iotf name is important, the app's manifest requires this. For the time being, IoT is only available in Bluemix US South, ensure you are in the correct region when creating this service.

You will need to obtain a key archive from the LRSC Application Router web interface. After logging in, click the Setup link at the top and then Download key archive.

After expanding the archive, you should have the following files:

├── certs
│   ├── AA-AA-AA-AA-FF-FF-FF-FF.CLIENT.cert                <-- rename to client.cert
│   ├──
│   ├── AA-AA-AA-AA-FF-FF-FF-FF.cert
│   ├── CA.cert
│   └── CA.cert.der
└── private
    ├── AA-AA-AA-AA-FF-FF-FF-FF.CLIENT.key                 <-- rename to client.key
    └── AA-AA-AA-AA-FF-FF-FF-FF.CLIENT.key.jks

Build the bridge and then place client.cert and client.key into the extracted bluemixgarage_lrsc-bridge-master folder, alongside manifest.yml.

You will need to rename the host entry in the manifest.yml file as it will clash with our own lrsc-bridge instance. Host names must be unique per Bluemix region. You might want to use the same name for the name entry, but it's not a requirement.

From your terminal, navigate to this folder, cf login with your Bluemix credentials and then cf push.

To verify that the bridge is working correctly:

  1. Visit the Bluemix URL where the app is deployed (shown after cf push) to view the status page
  2. From the Bluemix Dashboard, open the iotf service, then click the LAUNCH button. You should see devices appear in the list.


A ridiculously awesome LRSC to MQTT bridge written in GO.







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