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There are other Segmented Control libraries out there. This library adds two important capabilities:
- It works across all three key platforms: iOS, Android and UWP - all other libraries I've encounted lack UWP.
- It's based on .NET Standard
Platform | Supported | Version | Renderer |
Xamarin.iOS Unified | Yes | iOS 8.1+ | UISegmentedControl |
Xamarin.Android | Yes | API 18+ | RadioGroup |
Xamarin.UWP | Yes | Win10 16299+ | User Control/RadioButton |
Xamarin.MacOS | Yes | 10.0+ | NSSegmentedControl |
For previous versions of UWP please use version 1.1.5.
Using this plugin is easy.
Add initializer to AppDelegate
public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication app, NSDictionary options)
You need to add the assembly to App.xaml.cs in you project. For more details see the Xamarin documentation here.
var assembliesToInclude = new List<Assembly> {typeof(SegmentedControlRenderer).GetTypeInfo().Assembly};
Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init(e, assembliesToInclude);
No special needs.
The Xamarin Forms must use .NET Standard. I suggest using .NET Standard 1.4.
Here is a great blog post about how to move your PCL to .NET Standard: Building Xamarin.Forms Apps with .NET Standard
<control:SegmentedControl x:Name="SegmentedControl"
SelectedSegment="{Binding SegmentSelection}"
<control:SegmentedControlOption Text="Item 1"/>
<control:SegmentedControlOption Text="Item 2"/>
<control:SegmentedControlOption Text="Item 3"/>
<control:SegmentedControlOption Text="Item 4"/>
For inspiration and for the Android and iOS part I'd like to thank Alex Rainman for his great work on SegmentedControl.FormsPlugin.