This guide is a step-by-step manual that will help you deploy Sygma Relayer and join the Sygma Bridge MPC consensus. Note: This process is not permissionless and should be agreed upon with the Sygma team in advance. For more information please visit website
This deployment guide is based on assumptions that the user will use AWS as an infrastructure provider and GitHub Actions as a deployment pipeline.
If you want to use K8S please refer to Bware K8s deployment guide
### While most of the code can be reused we still highly encourage you to consider this repo to be a guide and a demo. It is expected that you will need to change some of TF or Task Definition variables according to your needs.
- Prepare a Private key that will be used to send execution transactions on the destination network. Note: you can use one private key for different domains). Note #2: Never use this private key for something else and keep it secret Note #3: Do not forget to top up the balance of the sender key and set some periodic checks of the balance
The current TestNet operates over various networks both EVM and Substrate. Hence you would need at least one EVM and Substrate private key (same key can be reused in different networks for 1 Relayer) (as it states for now PLEASE CONFIRM THIS WITH SYGMA TEAM BEFOREHAND).
For each network, you should have an RPC provider. Relaying partners must align with the Sygma team on the specific clients or RPC providers to use, so we can ensure appropriate provider redundancy in order to increase network robustness and reliability. We strongly reccomend you use own FullNodes.
Fork the repo to your own organization, if you want to use GitHub actions as your CI/CD. In this guide, the GitHub repo is used as CI/CD platform. More on GitHub actions read here, otherwise just consider this as example.
If you already don't own an AWS Account, use this link as a guide from the official support
To create the resources in our repository you're going to need:
Now we can proceed to the resources in our AWS Account.
Before you run the Terraform Scripts, make sure to set the right Environment Variables to access your account. You might need a user with the right privileges to create the resources.
This document provides step-by-step In this guide, we are describing the process of deploying Relayers with GitHub actions on the infrastructure on the AWS, as well as we provide all necessary scripts to provision the infra and deploy the relayers.
aws configure
More details on how to configure AWS CLI client you can find here
The only requirement to create the Relayers infrastructure is a VPC. Of course, you can use the default VPC from any region in your AWS account, but it's a best practice to create a VPC to allocate your resources. If you don't know what a VPC is, use this document to better understand it.
In this repository, we have the folder vpc
. In that folder run the following commands:
terraform init
terraform apply
You might need to input a few variables, you can do that in the prompt that will appear in your terminal or you could create a file called terraform.tfvars
with the desired values. Read this link for more information on Input Variables.
When the prompt appears to apply the changes, type yes
More details on how to run Terraform what this video.
In this repository, we have the folder relayers
. In that folder run the following commands:
terraform init
terraform apply
You might need to input a few variables, you can do that in the prompt that will appear in your terminal or you could create a file called terraform.tfvars
with the desired values. Read this link for more information on Input Variables.
When the prompt appears to apply the changes, type yes
script outputs the private DNS addresses in a file (dns_address) in dns
| This dns directory is not tracked by git to avoid accidentatl exposure.
The configuration for the relayers is in the folder ecs
. For ECS we configure our applications with a Task Definition. You can read more about it here.
Change EFS configuration according to your provision results.
efsVolumeConfiguration - set this value to the EFS File system ID that was created (should have relayers-efs-Demo
name by default)
Now all the infrastructure should be provisioned. And you should move to configuration.
Set the next secret variables in GitHub Secret variables section. They will be used for deployment.
- a region where you want your relayer to be deployed
- ARN of the user that will be deploying the Relayer
- the name of IAM Role that will perform deployment
Task definition variables are configurated as ENV variables for GitHub actions
For easy reference, the env variables should be Organisation name with the environment to differentiate Relayers on the network.
if it is a testnet instance and MAINNET
if it is a production. Change it here
we need to make sure that it is unique for all relayers. So make sure that you have consulted with Sygma team about proper relayerid. Change it here
"name": "SYG_RELAYER_ID",
"value": "{{ relayerId }}"
"name": "SYG_RELAYER_ENV",
"value": "TESTNET"
We use SSM to hold all of our secrets. To access it, go to your AWS Account, in the Search bar type SSM
. Go into the Systems Manager Service. On the left side menu, go into Parameter Store.
Now you can create any secrets that you want, and then reference it in the secrets
section in the Task Definition.
During the infrastructure, provisioning terraforms scripts will create a number of secret parameters in the Parameter Store. You should manually set this parameter according to the following description
SYG_CHAINS- domain configuration. One configuration for all domains (networks). JUST AN EXAMPLE CONFIRM LIST OF NETWORKS WITH SYGMA TEAM DEPENDS on EVN
[ { "id": 1, "name": "goerli", "type": "evm", "key": "", "endpoint": "", "maxGasPrice": 1000000000000, "gasMultiplier": 1.5 }, { "id":2, "name":"sepolia", "type":"evm", "key":"", "endpoint":"", "fresh": true }, { "id": 3, "name": "rhala", "type": "substrate", "key": "", "endpoint": "" } ]
SYG_RELAYER_MPCCONFIG_KEY - secret libp2p key
This key is used to secure libp2p communication between relayers. The format of the key is RSA 2048 with base64 protobuf encoding.
It is possible to generate a new key by using the CLI command
peer gen-key
from the relayer repository. This will generate an output LibP2P peer identity and LibP2P private key, you will need both. But for this param use LibP2P private key. Note: keep private key secretTo use CLI:
- Clone sygma-relayer
- run
go mod tidy
- run
make build-all
- go to sygma-relayer/build/{your-platform}
- run
./relayer peer gen-key
If you generate the key by yourself, you can find out complementary peer identity by running
peer info --private-key=<libp2p_identity_priv_key>
This identity you will need later. -
Should be unique per relayer. (eg /mount/r1-top.json, /mount/r2-top.json, etc). Should be persistent filesystem. -
AES secret key that is used to encrypt libp2p network topology. In order to obrain this secret key you need to fetch it from Sygma AWS account using AWS secrest sharing Read this and This Generally you would need to share some of your roles ID and we will provide and access to it in our AWS account. For details proactivelly contact Sygma team.
URL to fetch topology file from. The Sygma team will provide you with this key.
- path to the file that will contain MPC private key share. Should be unique per relayer. (eg /mount/r1.keyshare, /mount/r2.keyshare, /mount/r3.keyshare, etc). Should be persistent filesystem.
Log configuration in ecs
directory here.
We use Datadog Log management and is configured here.
Set your Datadog API Key here
After configuration is done, the current pipeline will run on every push to the main branch. Make sure to grant all necessary permissions to the pipeline, either using IAM Roles or Environment Variables.
Go to the logs.
In current setup logs by default are recording by CloudWatch
You should see something like
Processing 0 deposit events in blocks: 3422205 to 3422209
- this is the log that parses the blocks in search of bridging events. That means that relayer is up and listening.
Also "message":"Relayer not part of MPC. Waiting for refresh event..."
that means that your relayer is not prt of MPC group! Hence mve to the next section to proceed!
After all the configuration parameters above are set and your Relayer is running your Relayer(s) need to be added to the Sygma MPC network by updating the network topology.
Provide the Sygma team with the next params so we update the topology map:
- The network address. This could be a DNS name or IP address.
- Peer ID - determined from libp2p private key being used for that relayer (you can use relayers CLI command for this
peer info --private-key=<pk>
The final address of your relayer in the topology map will look this "/dns4/relayer2/tcp/9001/p2p/QmeTuMtdpPB7zKDgmobEwSvxodrf5aFVSmBXX3SQJVjJaT"
After all the information is provided Sygma team will regenerate Topology Map and initiate key Resharing by calling the Bridge contract method with a new topology map hash.
Amount of IDS in array set amount of relayers to be deployed.
Relayer configuration is done with --config-url
flag on Relayer start and can be changed here
This flag sets up shared configuration IPNS URL that is used by all Relayers in the MPC network and provided by Sygma.
More on shared configuration
We use OpenTelemetry Agent as a sidecar container for aggregating relayers metrics, for now. Read the followings to build the OpenTelemetry Agent
Two stages are required for the configuration
- Building OpenTelemetry Agent
- Configuring Task Definition for ecs users
See the otlp-agent directory here br The agent require three major files
- Builder:
- Config File:
- Dockerfile
The otlp-agent directory contains a CI workflow in .github directory to automate the build process. Here is GitHub CI that build the image. You can use it as an example or use our build system of choice.
After you have built your image, you should change here for your image path
See the task Definition section for the integration here
The Otlp Agent endpoint must be set on the Relayers as environment variable
"value": "http://localhost:4318"
See here
For sharing metrics you would need to use DataDog API key provided by Sygma team. Set this key to DD_API_KEY env variable. In task definition we are using ssm secret store for this
Configure this as per your organisation. You may chose to remove this for accessing private repository.
The Sygma Team Highly Recommend to use private repository for the otlp agent