Run this for the initial setup:
npm install protobufjs long nice-grpc-common grpc-tools ts-proto
mkdir generated
Then each time you want to get new ts files from the changed protos run:
./node_modules/.bin/grpc_tools_node_protoc \
--plugin=protoc-gen-ts_proto=./node_modules/.bin/protoc-gen-ts_proto \
--ts_proto_out=./generated \
--ts_proto_opt=env=browser,outputServices=nice-grpc,outputServices=generic-definitions,outputJsonMethods=false,useExactTypes=false,esModuleInterop=true \
--proto_path=./ \
Update host info. Possible fields are defined in host.proto Fields set to None are NOT updated resulting in not being able to set a field to null.
see OpenAPI doc Calling HostsService.Provision results in claiming the host provision earlier created during BV setup.
The provision token required in ProvisionHostRequest is assigned to the user who provisioned (registered) the host by showing it on the command-line.
This represents a bidirectional stream, where the stakejoy-api sends commands and retrieves status updates sent by BV asynchronously. Commands are defined to be at a single node level, so each command will be executed by BV (via babel) against a single node on given host.
Possible commands are (defined in node.proto):
- NodeStart: Start node VM
- NodeStop: Stop node VM
- NodeRestart: Restart node VM
- NodeUpgrade: Upgrade node VM
- NodeInfoUpdate: Force node status update
- NodeInfoGet: Force retrieving current node status
- NodeCreate: Create a node
- NodeDelete: Delete a node
- NodeGenericCommand: Generic command used for building yet unknown commands (use with caution! Try to create a dedicated command instead if applicable)
- HostGenericCommand: Generic host command (same here: use with caution!)
- HostUpdateBVS: Update BVS
- HostRestartBVS: Restart BVS
- HostRemoveBVS: Remove BVS from host
All commands are wrapped inside a NodeCommand message, containing the node ID and corresponding metadata.
Info updates
Info updates will be sent from BV to API. Possible updates:
- HostInfo
- NodeInfo
- CommandInfo
graph TD;
UndefinedContainerStatus --> Installing --> Creating;
Creating --> Stopped;
Stopped --> Starting --> Running;
Running --> Stopping --> Stopped;
Running --> Upgrading --> Upgraded --> Running;
Stopped --> Deleting --> Deleted;
Stopped --> Snapshotting --> Starting;