Node.js module to integrate with various Lightning Network node software and service providers.
The following list includes all the Lightning Network node software and service providers which are supported:
- Lightning Network Daemon (lnd)
- Core Lightning - JSON-RPC interface over unix sock or HTTP-RPC interface made available by Sparko plugin
- LNBits
- Blink
- GetAlby
- LndHub - first implemented by BlueWallet, but now used as a standard interface by other wallets and services
- OpenNode
Add to your application via npm
npm install lightning-backends
const { checkBackend, prepareBackend } = require('lightning-backends');
const backend = 'lnd';
const config = {
hostname: '',
protocol: 'https',
cert: '/path/to/lnd/tls.cert',
macaroon: '/path/to/lnd/admin.macaroon',
const ln = prepareBackend(backend, config);
// Pay a Lightning invoice.
ln.payInvoice(invoice).then(result => {
// `{ id: null }`
// `{ id: 'custom-unique-identifier' }`
console.log('payInvoice OK', { result });
}).catch(error => {
console.error('payInvoice FAILED:', { error });
// Request a new Lightning invoice from the backend.
ln.addInvoice(21000/* msat */).then(result => {
// `{ id: null, invoice: <bolt11-invoice> }`
// `{ id: 'custom-unique-identifier', invoice: <bolt11-invoice> }`
console.log('addInvoice OK', { result });
}).catch(error => {
console.error('addInvoice FAILED:', { error });
// Get the current status of an invoice by its payment hash or unique identifier.
// Some backends require the use of a unique identifier instead of payment hash.
// If the `addInvoice` method returns an `id` then use tha instead of the payment hash here.
ln.getInvoiceStatus(paymentHash).then(result => {
// `{ preimage: null, settled: false }`
// `{ preimage: '23b1a130cdc61f869674fdc4a64e8de5da1d4666', settled: true }`
console.log('getInvoiceStatus OK', { result });
}).catch(error => {
console.error('getInvoiceStatus FAILED:', { error });
// Get current spendable Lightning balance.
ln.getBalance().then(result => {
// `result` will be the balance in millisatoshis.
console.log('getBalance OK', { result });
}).catch(error => {
console.error('getBalance FAILED:', { error });
// Open a new channel.
// Most backends do not support this method.
ln.openChannel(remoteId, localAmt, pushAmt, makePrivate).then(result => {
// `result` can vary depending upon the backend used.
console.log('openChannel OK', { result });
}).catch(error => {
console.error('openChannel FAILED:', { error });
// Attempt to pay a 1000 msat invoice for a randomly generated node private key.
// Since the node doesn't exist, it will always fail.
// If the error is "no_route" or some other similar error, then the check is passed.
// Failed authentication or any unexpected errors are considered a failed check.
checkBackend(backend, config, { method: 'payInvoice' }).then(result => {
console.log('Backend configuration check', result.ok ? 'OK' : 'FAILED', { result });
Lightning Network Daemon (lnd):
- hostname - The host and port of the node's REST API. Examples:
- protocol - "http" or "https" - Must be "https" unless an onion address is used.
- baseUrl - The full URL and path of the node's REST API. Can be used instead of the hostname and protocol options above. Examples:
- cert - The TLS certificate of the lnd node. Examples:
- As a file path.{ data: 'STRING_UTF8_ENCODED' }
- As a string.{ data: Buffer.from('STRING_UTF8_ENCODED', 'utf8') }
- As a buffer.
- macaroon - The authentication macaroon to access the lnd node's REST API. Examples:
- As a file path.{ data: 'STRING_HEX_ENCODED' }
- As a string.{ data: Buffer.from('STRING_HEX_ENCODED', 'hex') }
- As a buffer.
- torSocksProxy - If hostname contains an onion address, the backend will try to connect to it using the the TOR socks proxy. Default:
Core Lightning (unix sock):
- unixSockPath - The absolute file path to the unix sock of core lightning. Example:
Core Lightning (Sparko):
- baseUrl - Full URL and path of the Sparko plugin's HTTP-RPC API. Onion addresses are supported. Examples:
- cert - The TLS certificate used by the Sparko plugin.
- accessKey - See
in your lightningd config.
- connectionString - Contains the server URL, account API key, and wallet ID. Example:
- baseUrl - The URL of the LNBits instance. Example:
- adminKey - From an account page, open "API info" to view the "Admin key".
- secret - Go to the GetAlby website, login to your account (link in top-right corner), then go to "Wallet" page (top-center), then scroll down until you see "Show your connection credentials". Click that button to reveal your lndhub secret. Copy and paste it here.
- secret - If using LNBits: Go to Extensions to enable the LndHub extension; then open the LndHub extension page and copy the LndHub Admin URL. Example:
- apiKey
It is possible to define your own custom backend to use with this module. To do so, create a new file and save it in your project:
// ./backends/custom.js
const { LightningBackend } = require('lightning-backends/lib');
class Backend extends LightningBackend {
static name = 'custom';
constructor(options) {
super(, options, {
defaultOptions: {
customOption1: 'a default value',
requiredOptions: ['customOption1'],
checkOptions(options) {
// This is called by the constructor.
// Throw an error if any problems are found with the given options.
getNodeUri() {
// Options are available as follows:
const { customOption1 } = this.options;
return Promise.reject('Not implemented');
openChannel(remoteId, localAmt, pushAmt, makePrivate) {
return Promise.reject('Not implemented');
payInvoice(invoice) {
return Promise.reject('Not implemented');
addInvoice(amount, extra) {
return Promise.reject('Not implemented');
getInvoiceStatus(paymentHash) {
return Promise.reject('Not implemented');
module.exports = Backend;
Then to use your custom backend:
const { prepareBackend } = require('lightning-backends');
const backend = './backends/custom.js';
const config = {};
const ln = prepareBackend(backend, config);
ln.payInvoice(invoice).then(() => {
console.log('payInvoice OK', { result });
}).catch(error => {
console.error('payInvoice FAILED:', { error });
Run automated tests as follows:
npm test
To run only end-to-end tests:
npm run test:e2e
Configurations for each backend are loaded from environment variables from the ".env" file. Create one by copying the example file:
cp test/e2e/example.env test/e2e/.env
Tests are skipped for backends whose configurations are missing (or commented-out).
This software is MIT licensed:
A short, permissive software license. Basically, you can do whatever you want as long as you include the original copyright and license notice in any copy of the software/source. There are many variations of this license in use.