Created at #SFB2B Startup Weekend on June 6-7, 2014. Public domain.
List of courses is kept in courses.json. Format:
- name: Name of the course
- imageUrl: Relative url of the course cover image, ~ 320x240px. Jpeg & Png supported.
- courseUrl: Relative url of the course contents json (see below).
Course contents file is kept in f.ex. yura-course/course.json. Format:
- name: Name of the course (should be the same as in courses.json).
- slides: Array of course slides. Format of slide (all parameters optional):
- text: Main text or question.
- imageUrl: Relative url of the slide picture, ~500x700. Will be resized as needed to fill the screen.
- backgroundColor: Color of the background, in usual CSS format (#abcdef)
- textColor: Color of main text.
- answers: Array of possible answers. Format:
- text: Answer text.
- correct: Is this answer correct (true or false, without quotes).
- hint: Text to show to the user when they've chosen this answer.
- buttons: Array of buttons. Format:
- text: Button text.
- action: Either a full url to open in browser, or 'close' - to close the course.
"name": "Yura's course",
"slides": [
{ "text": "Hello Yura!" },
{ "text": "Welcome to our first course! Yo!" },
{ "text": "A background can be changed like this", "backgroundColor": "#3e313c", "textColor": "#ffffff" },
{ "text": "Do you like it?", "answers": [
{"text": "Totally!", "hint": "Really?"},
{"text": "Not really", "hint": "Wrong!!"},
{"text": "You bet!", "correct": true, "hint": "Congratulations!"},
{"text": "What was the question again?"}
{ "text": "And here is\n how to do\n multiline \n \n Course update test" },
{ "text": "You can even use a picture with this text!", "imageUrl": "imagesample.jpg", "textColor": "#ffffff" },
{ "text": "That's all for now! See github and create something awesome!", "buttons": [
{"text": "Open GitHub repo", "action": ""},
{"text": "Back to Course List", "action": "close"}