An easy wrapper for the RabbitMQ client that allows inclusion in DotNetCore projects. Can be used with the standard dependency injection provided in DotNetCore.
There are two packages on Nuget.
- SimpleRabbit.Netcore <- has the basics to be able to publish - and listen to queues where not hosting.
- SimpleRabbit.Netcore.Publish <- has extensions to allow for easier injection in DotNetCore and a factory allowing for multi-cluster rabbit publishing
- SimpleRabbit.Netcore.Service <- has the IHostedService option for running as a host to listen to queues.
Installing is as easy as: dotnet add package SimpleRabbit.NetCore
or Install-Package SimpleRabbit.NetCore
depending on your setup.
Below is a C4 Component diagram of the Simple Rabbit library:
title Component diagram for Simple Rabbit
Container(rabbitmq, "RabbitMQ", "RabbitMQ Server", "Message broker system")
Container_Boundary(simpleRabbit, "SimpleRabbit.NetCore") {
Component(publishService, "IPublishService", "Interface", "Enables message publishing to exchanges")
Component(basicRabbitService, "IBasicRabbitService", "Interface", "Wrapper over the Rabbit connection factory.<br /> Provides the basics to interact with a rabbit instance")
Component(queueService, "IQueueService", "Interface", "Enables queue subscriptions and<br /> the handling of messages")
Component(iMessageHandler, "IMessageHandler", "Interface", "Contract for handlers to process<br /> messages based on consumer tag")
Component(asyncMessageHandler, "AsyncMessageHandler", "Class", "Enables async message processing<br /> via a queue of process tasks")
Rel(publishService, basicRabbitService, "Extends")
Rel(queueService, basicRabbitService, "Extends")
Rel(asyncMessageHandler, iMessageHandler, "Implements")
Container_Boundary(simpleRabbitPublish, "SimpleRabbit.NetCore.Publish", "Provides a Publishing factory that can be used to have multiple rabbit configurations") {
Component(publisherFactory, "PublisherFactory", "Class", "Factory to handle IPublishService instances<br /> for each rabbit configuration")
Rel(publisherFactory, publishService, "Uses")
Container_Boundary(simpleRabbitService, "SimpleRabbit.NetCore.Service", "Provides a Publishing factory that can be used to have multiple rabbit configurations") {
Component(queueFactory, "QueueFactory", "Class", "Manages IMessageHandlers created by clients")
Rel(queueFactory, iMessageHandler, "Uses")
Rel(queueFactory, queueService, "Uses")
Rel(queueService, rabbitmq, "Uses")
Rel(publishService, rabbitmq, "Uses")
Rel(basicRabbitService, rabbitmq, "Uses")
UpdateLayoutConfig($c4ShapeInRow="3", $c4BoundaryInRow="1")
Please fork this repo then create a PR from the fork into the original one.
private static void Main()
var configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder()
.AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", true)
var services = new ServiceCollection();
var provider = services.BuildServiceProvider();
var publisher = provider.GetService<IPublishService>();
publisher.Publish(exchange: "ExchangeName", body: "Test body");
The corresponding appsettings.json file (to provide connectivity to rabbit):
"RabbitConfiguration": {
"Username": "username",
"Password": "password",
"VirtualHost": "/",
"Hostnames": [
public static async Task Main(string[] args)
var builder = new HostBuilder()
.ConfigureAppConfiguration((hostingContext, config) =>
config.AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", true);
.ConfigureServices((context, services) =>
var config = context.Configuration;
await builder.RunConsoleAsync();
The message handler is chosen based on the CanProcess call. The consumer tag is passed in i.e. tags are matched not queues. This allows a handler to handle multiple messages from multiple queues.
internal class MessageProcessor : IMessageHandler
public bool CanProcess(string tag)
/* validate whether this handler will handle this tag */
return true;
public async Task<Acknowledgement> Process(BasicMessage message)
var body = message.Body;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(body))
Console.WriteLine($"Message contents: {body}");
Console.WriteLine($"Empty message: {message.MessageId}")
// See the Acknowledgement enum for more options
return Acknowledgement.Ack;
Subscribers are a list (of queues to consume), and they are auto wired up to the queue and are eventing based. The ConsumerTag
is the tag passed to CanProcess(string tag)
"RabbitConfiguration": {
"Username": "username",
"Password": "password",
"VirtualHost": "/",
"Hostnames": [
"Subscribers": [
"ConsumerTag": "TestTagName",
"QueueName": "Test"
Multi-Publishing Multi-Subscribing
There is additional factories that can make use of multiple configurations. The setup for the publisher factory is as follows
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
var configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder()
.AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", true)
PublishService PublisherFactory(IServiceProvider service, string name)
var p = service.GetService<PublishService>();
p.ConfigurationName = name;
return p;
.AddRabbitConfiguration("name1", configuration.GetSection("RabbitConfigurations:Configuration1"))
.AddRabbitConfiguration("name2", configuration.GetSection("RabbitConfigurations:Configuration2"))
var provider = services.BuildServiceProvider();
//Publishing is based on the configuration name provided
var publisher = provider.GetService<List<IPublishService>>().FirstOrDefault(p => p.ConfigurationName.Equals("name1"));
publisher?.Publish(exchange: "ExchangeName", body: "Test body");
The appsettings.json
file will look something like this:
"RabbitConfiguration": {
"Configuration1": {
"Username": "username",
"Password": "password",
"VirtualHost": "/",
"Hostnames": [
"Configuration2": {
"Username": "username",
"Password": "password",
"VirtualHost": "/",
"Hostnames": [
Note: the multiple configuration setup uses IOptionMonitor, which will listen to changes, invalidating a connection if the configuration is changed in runtime.
Multiple cluster subscribing only requires additional registrations of configurations. This will also invalidate and respawn connections on configuration update like publishing.
Note : The names of the configuration will be used to match the list of queues and rabbit configuration together.
Within the RabbitMQ server folder there contains a docker build of a pre-configured rabbit server, able to run the example projects.
Within that directory, run the following bash command to start the server:
docker build -t localrabbit . &&
docker run -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 localrabbit