A web application that runs on a Raspberry Pi and connects to an Anova Precision Cooker to facilitate starting/stopping the device whenever you like.
- Raspberry Pi or some other Linux-based environment with Bluetooth available
- Python 2.7
- BluePy
# clone the git repo
$ git clone https://github.com/blbuford/souspi
$ cd souspi
$ python setup.py sdist
# Copy the files from your local machine to the remote host.
# Adjust user@host:path to your specifics!
$ scp dist/souspi-0.0.1.tar.gz [email protected]:/tmp/
$ ssh [email protected]
# Extract the tarball to the home directory (~)
$ tar -xzvf /tmp/souspi-0.0.1.tar.gz
$ cd souspi-0.0.1
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
# The enviroment is now setup. Now all that's left is discovering your device's MAC address.
# The anova_scanner.py script will output the MAC addresses of all Anova devices that it can see.
# It must be run with sudo to be able to scan!
$ sudo python anova_scanner.py
'Anova', MAC: 78:a5:04:29:1a:3d
# Copy and paste your MAC address into the config/web.conf file for the variable ANOVA_MAC_ADDRESS
# You're done! Run the run.py script.
$ python run.py
- @IanHarvey for BluePy (https://github.com/IanHarvey/bluepy)