Vuze Tools provides ways of recovering damaged active files and finds missing torrent files for the Vuze Bittorrent Client.
Please make sure Vuze is shutdown before running, While it will still work it might read invalid information from your files. I recommend running "Fix Active files", copying the recovered files, Launch Vuze and then quit, then run whichever recovery you want to use.
- Fix Active files - Fix damaged active files by looking for .dat._AZ and .dat.saving which are created and kept if vuze crashed while saving.
- Simple Recovery - missing torrent files by filename from backups (Normal - Once a valid torrent is found it will move on)
- Advanced Recovery - missing torrent files by hash from backups (Slow - Scans every torrent file in backup, however it is resumable upon completion)
- Active Recovery - missing torrent files by extracting from its active file. (Fast and Accurate - Checks the given hash for an active file and generates a new torrent)
Recovered files are placed in the same directory that contains your Azerus directory and is named "Azureus-recover" Then the contents of "Azerus-recover" should be moved into your Azerus directory except for "AdvancedHashStorage.glob" (A resumable hashstroage generated by Advanced Recovery)
You may override the default_config.yml by creating a config/config.yml file inside the current directory. you can also use the command line arguments
- '-azdir="/path/to/azureus/directory"' to set the location of your vuze configuration
- '-azconfig="/path/to/azureus/downloads.config"' to override the default azdir/downloads.config path
- '-azbackups="/path/to/backupfolder1,/path/to/backupfolder2"'
Note: Windows users will have to escape their filepath separator '' to '\'
- Add Testing
- Add inline documentation
This project is licensed under the WTFPL, Please see LICENSE.txt for more details.
While the tool is safe to use and will not modify any non-tool related files USE THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK.