Gogo is my 2nd attempt at a Go (weiqi, baduk) game in Go (lang). Borrowed some Shiny example code for a good start. I also used Deep Learning and the Game of Go by Max Pumperla et al for the game state and AI.
- Fix existing bugs/problems
- Figure out how to use command line options to set board size and scale (19,18 and 9,35) May improve later but it works.
- Change white to right click (3) and remove stone to middle click (2)
- Do more manual testing on 9x9 to understand code
- Add coordinates
- Add indicator to last move for each color
- Add sound for stone placement
- Upgrade to 1.17
- Add some written tests to understand shiny code
- Add Keyboard commands
- Fix cmd+q not having focus to close even after focusing game
- cmd+n to new game 19x19
- cmd+m to new game 9x9
- cmd+o to resign as white
- cmd+p to resign as black
- cmd+b to pass as black
- cmd+w to pass as white
- Implement Go rules
- Capturing stones
- Disallow playing out of turn
- Disallow placing new stone if stone already in place
- Implement passing
- Implement resigning
- Implement scoring after consecutive passes
- Track stones on board using "bunch" (connected stones)
- Track liberties for each stone
- Track game state part 2
- Add respecting ko
- Fix bad captures
- Utilities
- Load board from sgf file
- Save board to sgf file
- Create dumb AI
- Implement review with KataGo
- Make the AI learn