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bjoernkjoshanssen committed Jan 6, 2025
1 parent ea10b92 commit 0f3b3c4
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Showing 2 changed files with 176 additions and 21 deletions.
36 changes: 17 additions & 19 deletions Acmoi/HydeTheorem.lean
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Expand Up @@ -149,9 +149,8 @@ theorem kayleighBound_lower' {A : Type} {k : ℕ} (w : Fin (2 * k + 1) → A)
(p : Fin (2 * k + 1 + 1) → Fin (k + 1)) (h : accepts_path (khδ w) 0 0 p)
(s : Fin (2 * k + 1)) : (p s.succ).1 ≥ (p s.castSucc).1 - 1 :=
@Fin.induction (2*k)
(fun n : Fin (2*k+1) =>
(p n.castSucc).1 - 1 ≤ (p n.succ).1
) (by simp; rw [h.1]; simp) (by
(fun n : Fin (2*k+1) => (p n.castSucc).1 - 1 ≤ (p n.succ).1)
(by simp; rw [h.1]; simp) (by
intro n hn
unfold accepts_path at h
obtain ⟨a,ha⟩ := h.2.2 n.succ
Expand All @@ -169,16 +168,18 @@ theorem hyde_loop_when' {A : Type} {k : ℕ} (w : Fin (2 * k + 1) → A)
(ht : p t.castSucc = Fin.last k ∧ p t.succ = Fin.last k) :
t = ⟨k, by omega⟩ := by
by_contra H
cases lt_or_gt_of_ne fun hc => H <| Fin.eq_mk_iff_val_eq.mpr hc
· have : (p t.castSucc).1 < k := by
have : ∀ s : Fin (2*k+1), (p s.succ).1 ≤ p s.castSucc + 1 := by
apply move_slowly'; tauto
have : ∀ s : Fin (2*(k+1)), (p s).1 ≤ s := by
cases lt_or_gt_of_ne fun hc => H <| Fin.eq_mk_iff_val_eq.mpr hc with
| inl h' =>
have : (p t.castSucc).1 < k := by
have h₁ : (p t.castSucc).1 ≤ t.castSucc := by
apply kayleighBound'; tauto
have := this t.castSucc
simp at this;omega
simp at h₁
_ ≤ _ := h₁
_ < _ := h'
rw [ht.1] at this
simp at this
| inr h' =>
· have g₀ : t.1 < 2*k + 1 := by
by_contra H
have ht2 := t.2
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -369,7 +370,7 @@ theorem hyde_unique_path' {A : Type} {k : ℕ} (w : Fin (2*k+1) → A)
simp_rw [← two_mul]
show k - (p (Fin.last (2*k+1))) = k
show k - (p (Fin.last (2*k+1))).1 = k
rw [this]
) (by
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -457,9 +458,7 @@ theorem hyde_unique_word {A : Type} {k : ℕ} {w v : Fin (2*k+1) → A}
cases h₂ with
| inl h => tauto
| inr h =>
simp at h
| inr h => simp at h; omega
have case4 (g₀ : i < k + 1) (g₁ : i≠ 0) (g₃ : ¬ ⟨i,by omega⟩= Fin.last k) : w ⟨i,hi⟩ = v ⟨i,hi⟩ := by
have : i ≠ k := fun hc => g₃ <| hc
have : i < k := by omega
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -493,10 +492,10 @@ theorem hyde_unique_word {A : Type} {k : ℕ} {w v : Fin (2*k+1) → A}
have : ¬ i ≤ k := by omega
apply aux₀'
exact g₆
exact h₂
exact g₆
· have h₀ : ¬ i < k + 1 := by simp_all
have h₁ : ¬ i < k := by omega
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -533,8 +532,7 @@ theorem hyde_accepts {A : Type} {k : ℕ} (w : Fin (2*k+1) → A) :
have : i.1 < k := by omega
simp at g₁
show i.1+1 = i.1 + 1 ∨ w i = w ⟨2 * k + 1 - i.1, by omega⟩
∧ i.1 = i.1+1 + 1
rw [Set.mem_def]
· -- new
simp at g₄ g₅
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -601,14 +599,14 @@ theorem restricting
obtain ⟨δ,init,final,p,hp⟩ := hx.2
· tauto
· use δ, init, p ⟨n, by omega⟩, Fin.init p
· use δ, init, p (Fin.last n).castSucc, Fin.init p
· constructor
· rw [← hp.1.1]
· constructor
· rfl
· exact fun i => hp.1.2.2 ⟨i.1, by omega⟩
· exact fun i => hp.1.2.2 i.castSucc
· intro v p' h
have h₀ : accepts_word_path δ (Fin.snoc v (w (Fin.last n))) init final
(Fin.snoc p' (p (Fin.last (n + 1)))) := by
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161 changes: 159 additions & 2 deletions blueprint/src/content.tex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ \section{Words}
Case $t=1$: A 1-rainbow word of length $k$ exists, namely any permutation of the symbols in $\Sigma$ (\Cref{word-as-permutation}).
For $t>1$, let $x$ be a \emph{de Bruijn} word $B(k,t)$ of length $k^t$ and let $w= x^2\restrict (k^t+t-1)$.
Let $\alpha$ be a word of length $n$, and let $\alpha_i$ be the $i^{\text{th}}$ letter of $\alpha$ for $1\le i\le n$.
We define the $u^{\text{th}}$ power\index{power} of $\alpha$ for certain values of
$u\in\mathbb Q_{\ge 0}$ (the set of nonnegative rational numbers) as follows.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ \section{Words}
Therefore, $\mathrm{ce}(w)=\sup T=\inf S$.

As an example of \Cref{df:IEEEref}, we have $\mt{0110}^{3/2}=\mt{011001}$.
As an example of \Cref{df:power}, we have $\mt{0110}^{3/2}=\mt{011001}$.
Note that the expected Power Rule for Exponents\index{power rule for exponents} fails for word exponentiation.
In general, $(x^a)^b\ne x^{ab}$, for instance
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -374,6 +374,162 @@ \section{Words}

In \Cref{def:NFA}, some basic objects of study in this book are introduced.

Let $\Sigma$ be a finite alphabet and let $Q$ be a finite set whose elements are called \emph{states}.\index{states}
A \emph{nondeterministic finite automaton} (NFA)\index{NFA} is a 5-tuple
The \emph{transition function}\index{transition function} $\delta\fr Q\times\Sigma\to\mathcal P(Q)$ maps each $(q,b)\in Q\times\Sigma$ to a subset of $Q$.
Within $Q$ we find the \emph{initial state} $q_0\in Q$ and
the set of \emph{final states} $F\subseteq Q$.
The function $\delta$ is extended to a function $\delta^*\fr Q\times\Sigma^*\to\mathcal P(Q)$ by
structural induction:
\delta^*(q,\eps) &=& \{q\},\\
\delta^*(q,\sigma\dolon i)&=&\bigcup_{s\in \delta^*(q,\sigma)}\delta(s,i).
Overloading notation, we may also write $\delta=\delta^*$.
The \emph{language accepted by $M$} is
L(M)=\{x \in \Sigma^*\st \delta(q,x)\cap F\ne\emptyset\}.
A \emph{deterministic finite automaton} (DFA)\index{DFA} is also a 5-tuple
In this case, $\delta\fr Q\times\Sigma\to Q$ is a total function and is extended to $\delta^*\fr Q\times\Sigma^*\to Q$ by
\delta^*(q,\sigma \dolon i)=\delta(\delta^*(q,\sigma),i).
If the domain of $\delta$ is a subset of $Q\times\Sigma$, $M$ is an \emph{incomplete DFA}.
In this case, $M$ coincides with an NFA with a special property which we can check for effectively.
We denote a partial function $f$ from $A$ to $B$ by $f\fr (\subseteq A)\to B$ or $f\mathrel{\vdots}A\to B$\index{$\vdots$}.

the set of words accepted by $M$ is
L(M)=\{x \in \Sigma^*\st \delta(q,x)\in F\}.

Automata may be viewed as an instance of graph theory, where
the automaton is a directed graph (digraph) with labeled edges, a state is a vertex and a transition is an edge.
This point of view we introduce now, and return to frequently.

A \emph{digraph} $D=(V,E)$ consists of a set of \emph{vertices} $V$ and a set of \emph{edges} $E\subseteq V^2$.
Let $s,t\in V$.
Let $n\ge 0$, $n\in\mathbb Z$.
A \emph{walk} of length $n$ from $s$ to $t$ is a function $\Delta:\{0,1,\dots,n\}\to V$
such that $\Delta(0)=s$, $\Delta(n)=t$, and $(\Delta(k),\Delta(k+1))\in E$ for each $0\le k<n$.

A \emph{cycle} of length $n=\abs{\Delta}\ge 1$ in $D$ is a walk from $s$ to $s$, for some $s\in V$, such that
$\Delta(t_1)=\Delta(t_2), t_1\ne t_2\implies \{t_1,t_2\}=\{0, n\}$.
Two cycles are \emph{disjoint} if their ranges are disjoint.

\Cref{eq:recursion} may be viewed as a closure property:
if $(q,\sigma,r)\in\delta^*$ then $(q,\sigma\dolon i,\delta(r,i))\in\delta^*$.
Formally, then, $\delta^*$ is the intersection of all functions that contain $\delta$ (viewing symbols as length-1 strings) and is closed under this closure property.
Using the fact that $\N$ is well-ordered and is the range of the length function on strings,
we can define $G(n)$ to be $\delta^*$ restricted to words of length $n$, and then $G(n)$ is defined from $G\restrict n$ by $G(n)=F(n,G\restrict n)$, where
\delta, & n=0,\\
\{(q,\sigma\dolon i,\delta(r,i)) \st (q,\sigma,r)\in g(n-1)\}, & n>0, n-1\in\mathrm{dom}(g),\\
\emptyset, & n>0, n-1\not\in\mathrm{dom}(g).
Note that $(G\restrict n)(n-1)=G(n-1)$ so that the third clause does not occur in our application.
Since $G\restrict 0$ is the empty function, we need to carve out the special case $n=0$.

\Cref{may3-2022} is the special case of the wellorder $(\N,<)$ from Schimmerling~\cite[Theorem 3.8]{MR2839729}.
We apply it with $B=\{f\st f\mathrel{\vdots} Q\times\Sigma^*\to Q\}$.
Let $B$ be a set and let $P$ be the set of all partial functions from $\N$ to $B$.
For each $F\fr \N\times P\to B$, there is a unique function $G\fr \N\to B$ such that
G(n)=F(n,G\restrict n)
for all $n\in\N$.

Sipser, 2nd edition~\cite{sipser2012introduction} does not introduce $\delta^*$ at all but discusses everything in terms of a sequence of values of $\delta$.
Shallit~\cite{Shallit:2008:SCF:1434864}, and Hopcroft and Ullman~\cite{MR645539}, introduce $\delta^*$ but do not give a justification for its existence.

\begin{definition}\label{df:A A^-}
Let $\Sigma$ be an alphabet.
Let DFA$_\Sigma$ denote the class of all DFAs over $\Sigma$ and let partDFA$_\Sigma$ denote the class of all partial DFAs over $\Sigma$.
If a DFA $M$ over $\Sigma$ has the property that it accepts a string $x$, but no other strings of length $\abs{x}$, i.e.,
then we say that $M$ \emph{accepts $x$ uniquely}\index{accepts uniquely, DFA}.
Let $x\in\Sigma^*$ with $\abs{x}=n$.
Define $A(x,\Sigma)$,\index{$A(x,\Sigma)$}
the \emph{automatic complexity}\index{automatic complexity} of $x$ (with respect to $\Sigma$)
to be the least number of states in any $M\in\mathrm{DFA}_\Sigma$ such that $M$ accepts $x$ uniquely.

If we consider $x$ to be a function $x\fr [n]\to\Sigma$, then $x\in\Sigma^*$ where $\Sigma=\mathrm{range}(x)$.
We define $\tilde A(x)=A(x,\mathrm{range}(x))$.\index{$\tilde A(x)$}

Similarly, we define $A^-(x,\Sigma)$,\index{$A^-(x,\Sigma)$}
the \emph{partial automatic complexity} of $x$,
to be the least number of states in any $M\in\mathrm{partDFA}_\Sigma$ such that $L(M)\cap \Sigma^n=\{x\}$.

In most cases below, if we write $A(x)$ we intend $\tilde A(x)$.\index{$A(x)$}

Let $x$ be a word in a finite alphabet $\Sigma$. We have $A^-(x)\le A(x)$.
If $\abs{x}=1$ and $\abs{\Sigma}>1$ then $A^-(x)=1<2=A(x)$.
The inequality $A^-(x)\le A(x)$ follows from the inclusion $\mathrm{DFA}_\Sigma\subseteq\mathrm{partDFA}_\Sigma$.
Assume $\abs{x}=1$ and $\abs{\Sigma}>1$. Without much loss of generality, $x=\mt 0$ and $\Sigma=\{\mt 0, \mt 1, \mt 2\}$.
The witnessing partial DFA for $A^-(x)$ is shown in \eqref{egreg},
and the witnessing DFA for $A(x,\Sigma)$ is shown in \eqref{egreg-2}.
\text{start}\ar[r] & *+[Foo]{q_0}\ar@(dr,ur)_{\mt{0}}
\text{start}\ar[r] & *+[Foo]{q_0}\ar@(ul,ur)^{\mt 0}\ar[r]_{\mt{1}, \mt{2}} & *+[Fo]{q_1}\ar@(dr,ur)_{\mt{0},\mt{1},\mt{2}}
Let $L(M)$ be the language recognized by the automaton $M$.
Let $x$ be a finite word.
The (unique-acceptance) nondeterministic automatic complexity
$A_N(w)=A_{Nu}(w)$\index{$A_N(x)$} of $w$ is
the minimum number of states of an NFA $M$
such that $M$ accepts $w$ and the number of walks
along which $M$ accepts words of length $\abs{w}$ is 1.

The exact-acceptance nondeterministic automatic complexity
$A_{Ne}(w)$\index{$A_{Ne}(x)$} of $w$ is
the minimum number of states of an NFA $M$
such that $M$ accepts $w$ and $L(M)\cap\Sigma^{\abs{w}}=\{w\}$.

\chapter{Nondeterminism and overlap-free words}\label{chap:EJC}

Expand All @@ -400,6 +556,7 @@ \chapter{Nondeterminism and overlap-free words}\label{chap:EJC}
The nondeterministic automatic complexity $A_N(x)$ of a string $x$ of length $n$ satisfies
A_N(x) \le b(n):={\lfloor} n/2 {\rfloor} + 1\text{.}
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