A DigitalOcean dynamic dns client, inspired by https://github.com/satyamkapoor/homeIPv4DynamicUpdateDNS.
The above project was the basis for this one, but I expanded on to add the option of a config file and to dockerise the app.
You must have a hostname added to DigitalOcean already. This script will only update, it will not create a new record for you.
The DNS entry you are trying to update needs to be a A record and not a CNAME.
The app runs as a docker container with two options. Either mapping a directory containing a config file or passing environment variables at run time.
Example with config mapping:
docker create \
--name digitalocean_ddns
-v /path/to/config/:/config/
Example passing environment variables:
docker create \
--name digitalocean_ddns
-e API_KEY=00000000
-e DOMAIN=example.com
-e HOSTNAME=myhost.example.com
If you map in a directory containing a config file, the file must be named config.yaml
An example file can be found in the repo.
Note: environment variables and config file entries are case sensitive
This container does not run continuously. To enable periodic updating on Linux you will need to run it as a cronjob. An example cron entry to run every 6 hours:
0 */6 * * * docker start digitalocean_ddns
You can then view the logs for the last run with:
docker logs digitalocean_ddns
Finally, if you have a need to update to a newer build of the container then assuming the same name was used above you can use the following commands:
docker pull bjmd/digitalocean_ddns:latest && docker rm digitalocean_ddns
Then re-create using your chosed method above.