This script is meant to detect whether or not a file is encrypted with a block cipher using an ECB mode. Since ECB mode block ciphers use a repeating key, there is a potential that you will see repeating ciphertext. This script will read in a file and search the hex characters of the file for repeating values. The parameters for searching are configurable (minimum/maximum string length, and minimum/maximum amount a string shows up in the file).
user@localhost:~$ python3 -h
Read a file in and find repeating hex substrings.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FILENAME Filename to parse
-m MINLENGTH minimum length of a hex string to find (default=4)
-M MAXLENGTH maximum length of a hex string to find (default=15)
-n MINRESULT minimum number of results of substrings found to print
-N MAXRESULT maximum number of results of substrings found to print
To search a given file $FILE for repeating strings and only print results if there is a minimum of 5 results for that string found in a file:
python3 -f $FILE -n 5
To further filter your results, you may add a minimum length of characters for a substring to search for (ex. search for substrings with a minimum length of 5 characters):
python3 -f $FILE -n 5 -m 5
To check the entropy of a file (and create a graph of the number of occurences of 8 byte values in a given file), you can use
To determine if something is properly encrypted, the number of occurences of each byte should be roughly the same, otherwise any outliers can show a bias in the encryption algorithm.
user@localhost:~$ python3 -h
usage: [-h] -f FILENAME [-o OUTPUTFILE]
Read a file in and find repeating hex substrings.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FILENAME Filename to parse
-o OUTPUTFILE File to write matplot graph output to
To parse file $FILE and write the graph output to OUTPUT.png
python3 -f $FILE -o OUTPUT.png
To generate an encrypted file using DES-ECB:
openssl enc -des-ecb -K e0e0e0e0f1f1f1f1 -in /bin/ls -out ls.enc