An app for collecting information about events and agendas.
This could be useful for e.g. conventions, meetings etc.
- Django
- django-hvad
- django-cms (tested with v3 beta)
- django-document-library
If you want to install the latest stable release from PyPi:
$ pip install django-multilingual-events
If you feel adventurous and want to install the latest commit from GitHub:
$ pip install -e git://
Add multilingnual_events
INSTALLED_APPS = ( ..., 'document_library', 'easy_thumbnails', 'filer', 'hvad', 'multilingual_events', 'cms', )
Run the migrations:
./ migrate multilingual_events
Simply create a django-cms page and select Multilingual Events Apphook
the Application
field of the Advanced Settings
Default: 20
Define a pagination amount for the event listing.
To add a sitemap of your events, add the following to your urlconf:
from multilingual_events.sitemaps import EventSitemap urlpatterns += patterns( '', url(r'^sitemap.xml$', 'django.contrib.sitemaps.views.sitemap', { 'sitemaps': { 'events': EventSitemap, }, }), )
Check the issue tracker on github for milestones and features to come.