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bit platform full CI #34

bit platform full CI

bit platform full CI #34

Workflow file for this run

name: bit platform full CI
name: build and test
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
- name: Checkout source code
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Setup .NET
uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v4
global-json-file: src/global.json
- uses: actions/setup-node@v4
node-version: 20
- name: Install Bit.Boilerplate from local source
run: |
cd src/Templates/Boilerplate && dotnet build -c Release
dotnet pack -c Release -o . -p:ReleaseVersion=0.0.0 -p:PackageVersion=0.0.0
dotnet new install Bit.Boilerplate.0.0.0.nupkg && cd ../../../
- name: Release build todo sample + sqlite database
run: |
dotnet workload install maui-tizen maui-android wasm-tools wasm-experimental
dotnet new bit-bp --name TodoBPSqlite --database sqlite --sample todo --pipeline other
${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/cmdline-tools/latest/bin/sdkmanager --sdk_root=$ANDROID_SDK_ROOT "platform-tools"
cd TodoBPSqlite/src/TodoBPSqlite.Server/
dotnet tool restore
dotnet ef migrations add InitialMigration
dotnet ef database update
cd ../../../
dotnet build TodoBPSqlite/TodoBPSqlite.sln -c Release -p:RunAOTCompilation=false
dotnet build TodoBPSqlite/src/Client/TodoBPSqlite.Client.Web/TodoBPSqlite.Client.Web.csproj -c Release -p:BlazorWebAssemblyStandalone=true
- name: Release build empty sample + offline db + Win exe
run: |
dotnet new bit-bp --name EmptyBP --database other --sample none --pipeline azure --offlineDb --windows
dotnet build EmptyBP/EmptyBP.sln -c Release -p:RunAOTCompilation=false
- name: Release build empty sample without api
run: |
dotnet new bit-bp --name ApiFalse --database other --sample none --pipeline azure --api false
dotnet build ApiFalse/ApiFalse.sln -c Release -p:RunAOTCompilation=false
- name: Release build admin panel sample + SqlServer database
run: |
dotnet new bit-bp --name AdminBPSqlServer --database sqlserver --sample admin --pipeline github
dotnet build AdminBPSqlServer/AdminBPSqlServer.sln -c Release
- name: Release build bit blazor ui + butil + bswup + besql + bup + code analyzers + source generators
run: dotnet build src/Bit-CI-release.sln -c Release
- name: Release build careers, platform, sales websites
run: |
dotnet build -c Release src/Websites/Platform/Bit.Websites.Platform.sln
dotnet build -c Release src/Websites/Careers/Bit.Websites.Careers.sln
dotnet build -c Release src/Websites/Sales/Bit.Websites.Sales.sln
- name: Run bit blazor ui tests
run: dotnet test src/BlazorUI/Bit.BlazorUI.Tests/Bit.BlazorUI.Tests.csproj -c Release
- name: Release build bit blazor ui demo
run: dotnet build src/BlazorUI/Bit.BlazorUI.sln -c Release -p:RunAOTCompilation=false
- name: Create projects from BlazorEmpty project template with different parameters
run: |
cd src/Templates/BlazorEmpty && dotnet build -c Release
dotnet pack -c Release -o . -p:ReleaseVersion=0.0.0 -p:PackageVersion=0.0.0
dotnet new install Bit.BlazorEmpty.0.0.0.nupkg && cd ../../../
dotnet new bit-empty --name AutoGlobal --interactivity Auto --all-interactive
dotnet new bit-empty --name SsrPerPage --interactivity None
- name: Release build blazor empty based projects
run: |
dotnet build AutoGlobal/AutoGlobal.sln -c Release
dotnet build SsrPerPage/SsrPerPage.csproj -c Release