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Demonstrating the use of Overlay Services with Express

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Overlay Example

This repository contains an example deployment of the BSV Overlay Services Engine. It demonstrates a basic configuration that can be modified, extended, and customized to fit various use cases.


The Overlay Services Engine enables dynamic tracking and management of UTXO-based systems on top of the BSV blockchain. This example project includes:

  • Usage of the Overlay Services Engine for transaction processing.
  • A basic HelloWorld Topic Manager and Lookup Service to track/query all submitted transactions.
  • A Node HTTP server with Express, wrapping the Engine with an HTTP API.
  • Utilization of Knex and the default Overlay Services Knex Storage Engine for database management.
  • A basic Knexfile configured for use with a local MySQL database for easy testing and customization.
  • Endpoints for transaction submission, lookup, and metadata about the various hosted Overlay Services.
  • Service-specific documentation to guide users on interacting with the system.
  • A simple setup for local development and maximum customizability.
  • Adherence to BRC standards for endpoint interoperability and synchronization with other hosts.


The system performance was benchmarked using the test files located under tests/benchmarks. The beefs.json file contains the transaction data for 1000 HelloWorld tokens that can be submitted into the overlay.

Additionally, there is a function available for generating and saving your own BEEF data. For more detailed information, refer to the following documents:

Benchmark Results

Guide to Running Your Own Overlay Service on AWS EC2

Getting Started


Ensure Node.js, MySQL, and MongoDB are installed on your machine. MongoDB and MySQL should be running as services either locally or on a server you have access to.


  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
    cd overlay-example
  2. Install dependencies:
npm install
  1. Configure a local .env file with the following variables as needed:
DOJO_URL='' # Staging Dojo configured for testnet
KNEX_DB_CONNECTION= "mysql://overlayAdmin:overlay123@localhost:3306/overlay" # Example MYSQL connection string

Adjust DB_CONNECTION as necessary if your MongoDB instance has specific user credentials or is hosted remotely.

  1. Set Up MySQL:

Start your MySQL instance and set up a new database and user:

-- Log in to your MySQL server
mysql -u root -p

-- Create a new database

-- Create a new user and grant all privileges on the new database
CREATE USER 'overlayAdmin'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'overlay123';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON overlay.* TO 'overlayAdmin'@'localhost';

-- Apply the privilege changes
  1. Database Migrations:

Apply database migrations for MySQL using:

npm run migrate
  1. Start your MongoDB instance and ensure your connection string works.
  • For macOS and Linux Users (Using Homebrew):

    • If MongoDB is installed via Homebrew, start it as a service with the following command:
brew services start mongodb-community
  • For Windows Users

If MongoDB is installed as a service, start it from the Services management console, or use the command prompt:

net start MongoDB
  1. Start the local Express server:
npm run start
  1. Ensure you have the stageline (for testnet) or mainline (for mainnet) MetaNet Client running, which is required for this example.

You should now be ready to run the integration tests and start developing with the Overlay Services Engine.

Example Usage

Here are some examples of how to interact with the Hello World Overlay Service:

// Example Lookup Query using the Fetch API
const result = await fetch('http://localhost:8080/lookup', {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
  body: JSON.stringify({
    service: 'HelloWorld',
    query: 'message123'
// Example transaction submission to the HelloWorld overlay service
const result = await fetch('http://localhost:8080/submit', {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream',
    'X-Topics': JSON.stringify(['HelloWorld'])
  body: new Uint8Array(beef)
return await result.json()

API Endpoints

The following API endpoints are available for interacting with the Hello World Overlay Service:

POST /submit

Submit a Bitcoin transaction for tracking.

  • Headers:
    • x-topics - JSON array of topics related to the transaction.
  • Body: Raw transaction data in octet-stream format.
  • Response: JSON object with the result of the submission.

POST /lookup

Interact with an overlay lookup service to retrieve specific data.

  • Body: JSON object containing the lookup query.
  • Response: JSON object with the lookup results.

GET /listTopicManagers

List all hosted topic managers.

  • Response: JSON array of topic managers.

GET /listLookupServiceProviders

List all lookup service providers.

  • Response: JSON array of lookup service providers.

GET /getDocumentationForTopicManager

Retrieve documentation for a specified topic manager.

  • Query Parameters:
    • manager - Name of the topic manager.
  • Response: JSON object with the documentation.

GET /getDocumentationForLookupServiceProvider

Retrieve documentation for a specified lookup service provider.

  • Query Parameters:
    • lookupServices - Name of the lookup service provider.
  • Response: JSON object with the documentation.

POST /arc-ingest

Handle new Merkle proof ingestion.

  • Body: JSON object containing txid and merklePath.
  • Response: Status code indicating the result of the operation.


Fork and modify this repository to suit your needs. You can:

  • Write custom topic managers.
  • Install lookup services.
  • Create new API endpoints.
  • Deploy or containerize your server.

This project follows BRC standards for endpoint interoperability and synchronization:

  • BRC 0022
  • BRC 0023
  • BRC 0024
  • BRC 0025


This repository is licensed under the Open BSV License.