Balancing selection with R allows you to run NCD statistics to detect long-term balancing selection in genomic datasets.
Original paper describing the NCD statistics: Bitarello, De Filippo, Teixeira, Schmidt, Kleinert, Meyer & Andrés (2018). Signatures of long-term balancing selection in human genomes. Genome biology and evolution, 10(3), 939-955. Link
If you have used balselr
in a publication and have found it useful, please
consider citing it as follows:
Hansell, D. & Bitarello, B. (2024). balselr: balancing selection tests in R. GitHub repository:
You can install the development version of balselr from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
This is a basic example which shows you how to read in a vcf file:
read_vcf(x=system.file(package = "balselr", "example.vcf"))
This is an example which shows how to parse a vcf file and output an
input file for ncd1
infile = system.file(package = "balselr", "example.vcf"),
n0 = 108,
type = "ncd1"
This is an example which shows how to parse a vcf file and output an
input file for ncd2
infile = system.file(package = "balselr", "example.vcf"),
n0 = 108,
n1 = 2,
type = "ncd2"
Run ncd1 (tf=0.5)
with a 3000 basepair window and a minimum of 8
informative sites per window using 2 cores:
ncd1(x=ncd1_input, tf=0.5, w=3000, ncores=2, minIS=8)
Run ncd2 (tf=0.5)
with a 3000 basepair window and a minimum of 2
informative sites per window using 2 cores:
ncd2(x=ncd2_input, tf=0.5, w=3000, ncores=2, minIS=2)