This module is now maintained by the @voxpupuli team:
Puppet module to manage conntrackd.
Have a look at the main module class (init.pp) to see what this module does on a node plus usage examples.
Supports both ipv4 and ipv6, all conntrackd options and all sync modes.
Compatible with Debian, Ubuntu and RedHat, Fedora, Centos, Scientific distros.
This module is designed to work with Puppet version 2.7.x or newer.
This module has got the following module dependencies:
[stdlib] Version 2.3.1 or newer. Standard library of useful resources by Puppet Labs. It provides functions like validate_*(), is_*() and empty(). More information:
- stdlib at Puppet Forge
- The module source code to get a listing of available functions.
class { "conntrackd": }
class { "conntrackd::config":
protocol => 'Multicast',
interface => 'eth1',
ipv4_address => ${multicast_address},
ipv4_interface => ${ipaddress_eth1},
class { "conntrackd::config":
sync_mode => 'ALARM',
protocol => 'UDP',
interface => 'eth2',
ipv4_address => ${ipaddress_eth2},
udp_ipv4_dest => ${other_remote_host},
class { "conntrackd":
ensure => 'absent'
You can find more examples in the examples dir.
- Official conntrackd website
- Official project page
- Official Puppet Style Guide
See COPYING and NOTICE file in the root directory of this module.