The script is split into two parts, recording and transcoding. You'll usually want to record into a .mkv file and then transcode that into .mp4. This is because you can interrupt the mkv recording at any point without corrupting the output file.
To start recording, run the screenrecord
script with the following argument format:
screenrecord -s 1920x1080 -r 60 -o 128,0 -f ./video.mkv
To get the full list of available options, run the screenrecord script with no arguments.
You can transcode mkv files to mp4 with the following command format
screenrecord-transcode ./screenrecording.mkv ./transcoded.mp4
To install screenrecord to /usr/local/bin, run the following
make install
You can customize the installation prefix with the PREFIX variable like so
make PREFIX=/usr install
make uninstall