Homepage: https://genome.ucsc.edu/ENCODE/
1: How do I find the set of (human) datasets that are available?
results in a page including a table of results. This response had a limit of 50 results: https://github.com/bionode-hack/bionode-encode/blob/master/example_responses/ENCODE_Homo_sapiens.html
2: How do I request information on an individual dataset (or maybe a batch of datasets)?
Extract from each entry just the 'accession' value, e.g. "accession":"ENCSR385UPQ". Retrieve the URL constructed from this accession number as follows: https://www.encodeproject.org/experiments/_accession_/ e.g.: https://www.encodeproject.org/experiments/ENCSR385UPQ/
Result: https://github.com/bionode-hack/bionode-encode/blob/master/example_responses/ENCSR385UPQ.html
3: Where do I find the dataset attributes?
Accession number: Use accession
URL: Use the URL constructed above.
Title: From per-dataset result use Biosample summary
Description: From per-dataset result use Description
Technology: From per-dataset result use Platform
Assay type: From per-dataset result use Assay