Moves a ship around Earth seas. Earth is represented as a grid.
Given the initial starting point (x, y) of a ship and the direction (n, s, e, w) it is facing.
Implement commands that move the ship forward and backward (f, b).
Implement commands that turn the ship left and right (l, r).
The ship can receive a string with commands ("lrfb" is equivalent to left, right, forward, backwards).
Earth, as any other planet is a sphere. Implement wrapping from one edge of the grid to another.
Not the whole planet consists of seas. Roughly 30% is surface are islands and continents. Implement surface detection before each move to a new position.
This is a simple and complete program. It will show you how to write a good unit test.
- Run tests and generate a test report (./build/reports/tests/test/index.html).
$ ./gradlew clean test
- Run tests and generate both test and coverage reports (./build/reports/jacoco/jacocoTestReportBin/html/index.html).
$ ./gradlew clean test jacocoTestReportBin