To install this firmware you need to do the following:
Copy the folder EZLink into your Arduino 'sketchbook' folder
Copy the folder PN532Lib to you Arduino 'sketchbook/libraries' folder
Then start the Ardunio IDE and select the sketch EZLink.
Since the RDM8800 has a LGT8F88A chip, you need to follow the instructions at, to download and install the new Arduino IDE driver/patch so that you can upload sketches to the LGT8F88A.
You can also see the blog at for more information on uploading new firmware to the RDM8800.
When a card is detected it returns as a comma seperated list of text fields. They are the card number, balance, number of days since 1995-01-01 to expire and number of days since 1995-01-01 created.
So for example:
When an EZ-Link card is detected the reader will return the following text followed by a carrige return linefeed:
Which can be broken up into the following comma seperated fields:
- Number:
- Balance: $
- Expire days:
- Created days:
- Stan Lee (IteadStudio)
- FareBot (Source code from FareBot Android Phone App)
- (Original PN532 library)