Lifesum Mob is a challenge app for Lifesum that that does search of food with a given API, all data in the app must be manage by any ORM.
Start Android Studio and close any open Android Studio projects. From the Android Studio menu select File > New > Import Project. Alternatively, from the Welcome screen, select Import project (Eclipse ADT, Gradle, etc.). Select the Eclipse ADT project folder with the AndroidManifest.xml file and click Ok.
- Activities - Android activities.
- Fragments - Android fragments.
- Adapters - Android adapters that extend
which contains a lot of operations used in any adapter. - Utils - Static classes like parser.
- Models - Thin models and loders represent M in MVC. The following are some main classes:
- LoaderRequestManager - A manager to handle all shared Retrofit processes. It is a generic class.
- BaseAdapterLoader - The base loader for any loader that used to retrieve data list that will shown in an adapter It is a generic class.
- CategoriesLoader - The end loader that gets the data from the given API and fills the adapter.
I am building an application and designing its classes because I am software engineer, but I am not a graphic designer so I used a simple material design.