Applies String.replace in every Object's prop's name that contain the substring. It can be shallow copied or full cloned.
propsReplace(obj, searchValue, replaceValue, clone)
Object - where we will search for the props that you want to replacesearchValue
String - Will check for props that contain the searchValuereplaceValue
String - Value that will replace thesearchValue
in propsclone=true
Boolean - Clones theobj
to prevent mutation.
var propsReplace = require("props-replace");
var testObj = {
"fullDocument._id": "123",
$or: [
"": "Jotaro",
$and: [
{"fullDocument.shout": "ORA ORA ORA!!"},
{"fullDocument.catchphrase": "Yare Yare Daze"}
"fullDocument.dio": "WRYYYYY!"
var propsWithoutFullDocument = propsReplace(testObj, "fullDocument.", "");
Now we have a new object with the following props:
"shout":"ORA ORA ORA"
"catchphrase":"Yare Yare Daze"