Part of the commitizen family. Prompts for conventional changelog standard.
Using the semantic-release commit-analyzer plugin, add this to config:
preset: 'angular',
releaseRules: './node_modules/cz-conventional-changelog-bizone/rules.js'
Like commitizen, you specify the configuration of cz-conventional-changelog-bizone through the package.json's config.commitizen
// ... default values
config: {
commitizen: {
path: './node_modules/cz-conventional-changelog',
maxHeaderWidth: 100,
maxLineWidth: 100,
defaultType: '',
defaultScope: '',
defaultSubject: '',
defaultBody: '',
defaultIssues: ''
// ...
The following environment varibles can be used to override any default configuration or package.json based configuration.
- CZ_TYPE = defaultType
- CZ_SCOPE = defaultScope
- CZ_SUBJECT = defaultSubject
- CZ_BODY = defaultBody
- CZ_MAX_HEADER_WIDTH = maxHeaderWidth
- CZ_MAX_LINE_WIDTH = maxLineWidth
If using the commitlint js library, the "maxHeaderWidth" configuration property will default to the configuration of the "header-max-length" rule instead of the hard coded value of 100. This can be ovewritten by setting the 'maxHeaderWidth' configuration in package.json or the CZ_MAX_HEADER_WIDTH environment variable.
Made with 🍺, 😭 and 🤣 by BI.ZONE frontend team