This is a simple Dapp to perform meta transactions on Matic testnet(Mumbai) network using Biconomy.
Meta Transactions are Gasless transactions which allow users to interact with Decentralized applications having only their public/private keys pair.
Biconomy is a scalable transaction layer infrastructure which can pay blockchain transaction's gas fee for a Dapp User
Deploy a sample contract to matic testnet.
Congfiguration for matic testnet is given in truffle-config.js
Register your Dapp in Biconomy Dashboard.
Here is the link on how to register the Dapp in Biconomy Dashboard.
i) Register Dapp and choose the network
ii) Add smart contracts details with deployed address and abi
iii) Configure api. These are the methods for which you need gasless transactions.
Integrate your Dapp with Biconomy
Here is the link on how to use Biconomy SDK with your Dapp. It is just a three step process:
i) Install SDK
ii) Initialize Biconomy
iii) Initialize Dapp
Run the applications
npm start
The application tries to invoke the transaction i.e., invoke contract method. But you dont need to pay the gas fee.