Introduction to DBMSs. Relational databases. Entity-Relationship data model. Relational algebra. Relational calculus. SQL. Sequential files. Unordered sequential files. Ordered sequential files. External sorting. B+tree index. Hashing. Dynamic hashing. Basics of query evaluation
In this assignment, I created a system by designing queries and implementing pre-defined functions to operate on a database for a factory CengFactory. You will be provided with specific tasks and a well-defined interface. This assignment aims to help getting familiar with connecting and querying to MySQL Server using Java Database Connectivity (JDBC).
I first implemented functions that create the necessary tables corresponding to the schema given. Then, I designed queries to accomplish the given tasks. Lastly, I implemented the interface using the queries I have designed as they give the desired results when defined parameters are given.
In this assignment I implemented a B+ tree to store book records. The primary B+ tree will be setup using the bookID field. I only implemented certain operations, the following functionalities;
• Add Book: Adds a new book into the tree
• Search Book: Searches for a book with the given bookID, prints the visited nodes along the path
• Print Tree: Prints the whole tree in depth first order, with proper indentation using tab characters
I implemented these three operations based on the given input and made them print the necessary output.