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1st script (out of ~20) for locale agnostic Wiktionary parsing
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beviah authored Mar 30, 2024
1 parent e1103b1 commit 8ab574b
Showing 1 changed file with 282 additions and 0 deletions.
282 changes: 282 additions & 0 deletions thesauruses-co/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
import os, os.path, glob, html, csv, regex as re
from collections import Counter

def cleanup(temp):

temp = re.sub(r'\[\[Categoria.*?\]\]', '', temp, re.DOTALL)
temp = html.unescape(temp)
temp = re.sub(r'<noinclude>.*?</noinclude>', '', temp, re.DOTALL)
temp = re.sub(r'<includeonly>.*?</includeonly>', '', temp, re.DOTALL)
temp = re.sub('<[^<]+?>', '',temp)
temp = re.sub(r'<!--.*?-->', '', temp)
temp = re.sub(r'\/\*.*?\*\/', '', temp)

return temp.strip()

def build_tree(data, level=1):

tree = {}
data = re.sub(r'{{=+([^{}]+)=+}}', r'{{\1}}', data, flags=re.MULTILINE)
section_regex = r"(.*?)\n==+"
sections = re.findall(section_regex, data, re.DOTALL)

if sections:
if sections[0].strip().strip('.').strip():
tree[''] = sections[0].strip().strip('.').strip()

# regex exercise
section_regex = r"\n={%d}([^=]+)={%d}\n(.*?)(?=\n={%d}[^=]+={%d}\n|\Z)" % (
level, level, level, level
sections = re.findall(section_regex, data, re.DOTALL)

for section_name, section_data in sections:

section_name = re.sub(r"\[\[([\w]+)(\|[\w]+)?\]\]", r"\1", section_name).strip()
section_data = section_data.replace("\'\'\'",'').replace("\'\'",'').replace("\\'",'').strip().strip('.').strip()
section_data = re.sub(r"(?<!\w)'([^']*?)'(?!\w)", r"\1", section_data)

if not section_data:continue

sub_level = level + 1
if sub_level <= 5:
subtree = build_tree(section_data, sub_level)
subtree = section_data

tree[section_name.strip()] = subtree

if not sections and data.strip():
if level == 1:
tree[''] = build_tree(data, 2)
tree[''] = data.strip().strip('.').strip()

return tree

def print_tree(tree, path=None):

if path is None:
path = []

# merging data from all locales to be analyzed later together.
with open('unified.txt','a',encoding='utf-8') as w:

for key, value in tree.items():

new_path = path + [key.replace('=','').strip()]

if isinstance(value, dict):
print_tree(value, new_path)
delimiter = " -=> "
thing = re.sub(r'\n+\.\n+', '\n', delimiter.join(new_path).replace('-=> -=>','-=>')+'\n'+value.strip())
thing = thing.replace('locale -=> ','\nlocale -=> ').replace('\n\n','\n')

def do_templates(fn, template):

global reds

title = temp = ''
temps_list = []

# find templates to replace later
with open(fn,'r',encoding='utf-8') as f:

for line in f:

if '<title>'+template+':' in line:
title = line.replace('<title>'+template+':','').replace('</title>','').strip()
elif not title:
if not temp and line.strip().startswith('<redirect '):
red = re.findall('<redirect title="(.*?)" />', line)
if red:red = red[0]
reds[title] = red.replace(template+':','')
line = re.sub('__\w+__', '', line)
if '<text ' in line:
temp = line[line.find('>')+1:]
elif temp:
temp += line
if '</text>' in line:
temp = temp[:temp.rfind('<')]
temp = cleanup(temp)
if '\n' not in temp and \
'#redirect' not in temp.lower():#hmm
temps_list.append((title, temp))
title = ''
temp = ''
elif '</page>' in line:
title = ''

# cleantup bad templates
outliers = Counter([temp for title, temp in temps_list])

for title, temp in temps_list:
if outliers[temp]<4:
temps[title] = temp

todel = []

for k in temps.keys():

if temps[k].lower().startswith('[['+template+':'):
try:temps[k] = temps[temps[k]].split(":")[1].replace("]]", "")
elif re.findall(r"\[\[[^\]]+:", temps[k]):
temps[k] = re.sub(r'\[\[[^\]]+:.*?\]\]', '', temps[k], re.DOTALL)
elif '[[:' in temps[k]:

for k in todel:
if k in temps:
del temps[k]

return temps

#check last output for processed dumps
with open('nohup.out') as f:
langs = f.readlines()
langs = []

langs = [lang.strip() for lang in langs]

# get all unziped wikipedia dumps from xmls folder
files = [fpath for fpath in sorted(glob.glob("xmls/*.xml"),key=lambda file:os.stat(file).st_size,reverse=True)]

for fn in files:

if not os.path.exists(fn):

lang = fn.split('/')[-1].replace('.xml','')

# in rerun skip already parsed file
if lang in langs:
if os.path.exists(fn.replace('.xml','.tmp')):

print(lang) # writes to nohup.out file

temps = {}
reds = {}

template = 'Template'

temps = do_templates(fn, template)

# if no template string left, guess generic template string:
if not temps:

title = temp = ''

with open(fn,'r',encoding='utf-8') as f:

for line in f:

if '<title>' in line and ':' in line:
template, title = line.replace('<title>','').replace('</title>','').strip().split(':', 1)
elif not title:
if '<text ' in line:
temp = line[line.find('>')+1:]
elif temp:
temp += line
if '</text>' in line:
temp = temp[:temp.rfind('<')]
ltemp = temp.lower().replace('\r','\n').replace('\n\n','\n').strip().split('\n')[0]
# #REDIRECT [[Template:xxx]]
if '#redirect [[template:'+title.lower()+']]' in ltemp:
elif '#redirect' in ltemp and ' [[template:' in ltemp and title in ltemp:
title = ''
temp = ''
elif '</page>' in line:
title = ''

# don't repeat if same as original string
if template != 'Template':
temps = do_templates(fn, template)

with open(fn.replace('.xml','.tmp'), 'w', encoding='utf-8', newline='') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter='\t')
for key, value in temps.items():
writer.writerow([key, value])

with open(fn.replace('.xml','.red'), 'w', encoding='utf-8', newline='') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter='\t')
for key, value in reds.items():
writer.writerow([key, value])

title = temp = ''

# normalize data, give it more uniform structure
with open(fn,'r',encoding='utf-8') as f:

for line in f:

if '<title>' in line:

title = line.replace('<title>','').replace('</title>','').strip()
if ':' in title:title = ''

elif not title:continue


line = re.sub('__\w+__', '', line)

if '<text ' in line:
temp = '\n'+line[line.find('>')+1:]

elif temp:
temp += line

if '</text>' in line:

# core logic here, and another major cleanup in the next script
temp = temp[:temp.rfind('<')]+'\n'
temp = re.sub(r'^(.*)\n= ?({{-?\w+-?}}) ?=\n(.*)$', r'\1\n=\2=\n\3', temp, flags=re.MULTILINE)
temp = re.sub(r'\{\{(-?[^}]+-?)\}\}', lambda m: temps.get(,, temp)
temp = cleanup(temp)
data = temp
data = data.replace('\r','')
data = data.replace('= ','=').replace(' =','=')
data = data.replace('= ','=').replace(' =','=')
data = [d.strip() for d in data.split('\n') if d.strip()]
data = '\n'.join(data)
data = '\n'+data[data.find('='):]
fdata = re.sub(r'\{\{([^}]+)\}\}', lambda m: temps.get(,, data)
fdata = re.sub(r'\[\[\w+:[^]]+\]+', '', fdata)
fdata = fdata.replace('\n=','\n\n.\n\n=').replace('=\n','=\n\n.\n\n')
fdata = fdata.replace('{{PAGENAME}}', title).replace('PAGENAME}}', title).replace('{{PAGENAME', title).replace('PAGENAME', title)
tree = build_tree(fdata)
treep = {'locale':{lang:{title:tree}}}

title = ''
temp = ''
data = ''
fdata = ''
elif '</page>' in line:
title = ''

# nohup python3 -u &

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