It has been designed and tested using Freebayes : If you don't use the option "--report-monomorphic" of freebayes (much faster) : for the LongShot software. To genotype long-reads from ONT technology
Both program report all sites including monomorphic sites.
For using you need :
- to compute the coverage only on good quality bases and mapped reads:
samtools depth -a -q 30 -Q 50 Ind.bam >Ind.cov.txt
- Extract the postion with a "bad" coverage (either too high or too low) with the threshold >=10x and <170x in this example : Ind.cov.txt 9 170 >Ind_bad.cov
Alternatively, you can use awk
straigth out of samtools:
samtools depth -q 30 -Q 30 Ind.bam | awk -v mincov=${min_cov} -v maxcov=${max_cov} '($3> maxcov || $3<mincov){ print $0}' >Ind_bad.cov
- Then, I convert the VCF in fasta assuming that the positions that are no in the VCF and have a "correct" coverage are monophormic. Otherwinse, the site is a "N".
The program 1) create a matrix with the reference sequence, 2) add the SNP with good quality and mask the one with low quality and 3) mask site with a "bad" coverage.
Warning: The VCF should not contain haplotype calls or complex alleles. Please, use freebayes ... | vcfallelicprimitives -kg >calls.vcf
or vt decompose_blocksub
(see )
Author: Benoit Nabholz
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/softwares/freebayes/scripts/:$HOME/bin/:$HOME/softwares/freebayes/vcflib/scripts/:$HOME/softwares/freebayes/vcflib/bin/:/media/bigvol/benoit/softwares/speedseq/bin/
- compute interval with same coverage
rm cov.bash
for chr in $(cat list_chromosomes); do
echo "samtools depth -r $chr -@ 100 -a *ALLBAM*.bam | awk -F'\t' '{for(i=3;i<=NF;i++) t+=\$i; print \$1\"\\t\"\$2\"\\t\"t; t=0}' | python2.7 $REFGEN.fai 1000 >regions_cov_$chr.bed" >>cov.bash
cat cov.bash | parallel
cat regions_cov_*.bed >regions_cov.bed
rm regions_cov_*.bed
- Run Freebayes
ulimit -n `ulimit -Hn`
time freebayes-parallel regions_cov.bed 120 -f $REFGEN --use-best-n-alleles 4 -L list_bamAllWGS_cleaned.txt >AllWGS_cleaned.vcf
bgzip AllWGS_cleaned.vcf
- correct SNP with multiple base (SNP being returned with multiple padding bases : freebayes/freebayes#161) Using VT
~/bin/vt decompose_blocksub AllWGS_cleaned.vcf.gz >AllWGS_cleaned_vt.vcf
bgzip AllWGS_cleaned_vt.vcf
~/bin/vt uniq AllWGS_cleaned_vt.vcf.gz >tmp && rm AllWGS_cleaned_vt.vcf.gz*
mv tmp AllWGS_cleaned_vt.vcf && bgzip AllWGS_cleaned_vt.vcf
tabix AllWGS_cleaned_vt.vcf.gz
- filter vcf and exclude missing data
vcftools --gzvcf AllWGS_cleaned.vcf.gz --out AllWGS_cleaned_goodSNP_noindel_nosexchr --remove-indels --max-missing 1.0 --max-alleles 2 --minQ 200 --minDP 15 --maxDP 150 --recode --recode-INFO-all
python3 ~/bin/ -R 3 -f 0.2 -s 37 -v AllWGS_cleaned_goodSNP_noindel_nosexchr.recode.vcf >AllWGS_cleaned_goodSNP_noindel_nosexchr.vcf
bgzip AllWGS_cleaned_goodSNP_noindel_nosexchr.vcf
usage: [-h] [-q QUALITY_THRESHOLD] [-m MIN_COV] [-M MAX_COV] [-R MIN_NUM] [-f MIN_FREQ] [--mask_N] [-v VCF_FILE] [-c COV_FILE] [-r REF_FILE]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m MIN_COV, --min_cov MIN_COV Minimum coverage to be genotyped
-M MAX_COV, --max_cov MAX_COV Maximum coverage to be genotyped
-R MIN_NUM, --min_num MIN_NUM Minimum number of reads for the alternatice variant allele to be genotyped
-f MIN_FREQ, --min_freq MIN_FREQ Minimum frequence of minor allele (expected = 0.5 for one diploid individual / default = 0.2)
--mask_N Consider N in reference genome as unknown site for all individuals
-v VCF_FILE, --vcf_file VCF_FILE
-c COV_FILE, --cov_file COV_FILE Coverage (Depth) file
-r REF_FILE, --ref_file REF_FILE Reference genome (fasta) [-h] [-q QUALITY_THRESHOLD] [-v VCF_FILE] [-c COV_FILE] [-r REF_FILE] [-f MIN_FREQ] [-d DN] [--mask_N]
options: -h, --help show this help message and exit
-v VCF_FILE, --vcf_file VCF_FILE
-c COV_FILE, --cov_file COV_FILE Coverage (Depth) file
-r REF_FILE, --ref_file REF_FILE Reference genome (fasta)
-f MIN_FREQ, --min_freq MIN_FREQ Minimum frequence of minor allele (expected = 0.5 for one diploid individual / default = 0.2)
-d DN, --dn DN Keep (--dn 0) or exclude (--dn 1, default) the dn SNP
--mask_N Consider "N" in reference genome as unknown site for all individual
usage: [-h] [-q QUALITY_THRESHOLD] [-m MIN_COV] [-M MAX_COV] [-R MIN_NUM] [-f VCF_FILE] [--Print_all_positions]
-m MIN_COV, --min_cov MIN_COV Minimum coverage to be genotyped
-M MAX_COV, --max_cov MAX_COV Maximum coverage to be genotyped
-R MIN_NUM, --min_num MIN_NUM Minimum number of reads for the alternatice variant allele to be genotyped
-f VCF_FILE, --vcf_file VCF_FILE
-c COV_FILE, --cov_file COV_FILE Coverage (Depth) file
A tool dataset is present in the directory data. This dataset have been created using the data of Delmore et al. 2020.
To use the program:
python3 ./ -q 10 -m 10 -M 100 -R 2 -f data/try.vcf
The output should be
, containing the 30 sequences (two per individuals).