A lightweight PHP pagination class to output pagination links.
This class is written to be chain-able so to create a logically fluent and easily readable way to create a set of pagination links.
It simplifies the paging of results and outputs Bootstrap 4 compatible navigation HTML.
It has been fully tested to work with PHP 5.5+, including PHP 7+
You can now install this class via composer.
$ composer require benhall14/php-pagination
Remember to add the composer autoloader before using the class and use the correct namespace.
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use benhall14\PHPPagination\Pagination as Pagination;
Please make sure you have added the required classes.
In its simplest form, you can use the following to set up the paginator.
$pagination = new Pagination();
You can use the following chainable methods to customise the final pagination links.
# sets the total number of items in the collection - e.g. 100
# sets the current page. By default, the class looks for the page value in the GET query string.
# sets the number of items to show per page. Default = 20
# sets the separator (if using). Default '...'
# sets the screen reader class. Default 'true', but you may need to set it to false if you are using your own custom css.
# sets the Bootstrap 4 pagination link class to small
# sets the Bootstrap 4 pagination link class to medium
# sets the Bootstrap 4 pagination link class to large
# sets the Bootstrap 4 alignment class to left
# sets the Bootstrap 4 alignment class to center
# sets the Bootstrap 4 alignment class to right
# sets the flag to show the separator
# sets the flag to hide the separator
# sets the next text string - Default: 'Next'
# sets the previous text string - Default: 'Previous'
# hides the 'Next' link
# shows the 'Next' link
# hides the 'Previous' link
# shows the 'Previous' link
# sets a prefix text for each page link: {prefix} {page number} {suffix}
# sets a suffix text for each page link: {prefix} {page number} {suffix}
# sets the flag to retain the query string for each page link.
# sets the flag to ignore the query string when building the links
# sets the number of pages BEFORE the separator
# sets the number of pages AROUND the active page
# sets the URL pattern - Default $pattern: ?page=(:num)- $replacement: (:num)
$pagination->pattern($pattern, $replacement);
# The class will replace the $replacement token in the $pattern with the actual page number
Works with PHP 5.5, PHP 5.6, and PHP 7+
Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Benjamin Hall, [email protected] https://conobe.co.uk
Licensed under the MIT license
If you find this project helpful or useful in any way, please consider getting me a cup of coffee - It's really appreciated :)